Christmas 2016 In Naples

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold; everything is softer and more beautiful.

Christmas In Naples - Walk After Dinner (Page Two)

Dinner is now a memory... The fires have been put out... Time to trounce on those pesky calories!

We walked about a mile but we take it slowly and look at the decorations so it goes fast!

We always go clockwise and count the bridges... After four, we are back where we started!

At The Fountain Gathering Everyone Up

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Lilly is raring to go!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Getting saddled up

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
"Ho Ho Ho"

Safety Glasses

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
We are gathered at the river...

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
All smiles (Click for full sized image 3200x2600 px)

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Serious conversations underway!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Getting the herd ready to move

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
...and if we are attacked by Ninja's, we have Charlie and Alex for protection

First Stop

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Frosty says hello!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Do you see spots before your eyes?

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
We are not believing that!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Simply beautiful

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
We made it.....

Did You Know? - There are actually two North Poles. The first is the Geographic North Pole, which is, literally, the topmost point of the planet. The other is the North Magnetic Pole, which moves around on a daily basis depending on what's happening with the earth's magnetic field.

Average temperatures in January fluctuate between –45 degrees and –15 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures during the summer months usually hover around freezing. The highest temp ever recorded at the North Pole? A comparatively balmy 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Time for a hot Cup Of Joe

Did You Know? - It's hard to give a definite answer to this question "Why is coffee called a cup of Joe" but after thorough research, it is obvious there a few feasable and likely reasons.

Josephus "Joe" Daniels, Secretary of the Navy during World War I banned alcohol aboard Navy ships, except on very special occasions. The crews average drink became a cup of coffee, or, as it was now referred to – A cup of Joe.

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Well... You can decorate anything!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Looks inviting inside!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Joy To The World or "Joy"

Did You Know? - "Joy to the World" is a popular Christmas carol. The words are by English hymn writer Isaac Watts, based on the second half of Psalm 98 in the Bible. The song was first published in 1719 in Watts' collection; The Psalms of David: Imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship.

Watts wrote the words of "Joy to the World" as a hymn glorifying Christ's triumphant return at the end of the age, rather than a song celebrating his first coming.[2] The nations are called to celebrate because God's faithfulness to the house of Israel has brought salvation to the world.

As of the late 20th century, "Joy to the World" was the most-published Christmas hymn in North America.

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
You are being watched!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Feel like a Peeping Tom?

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
The Gnomes are watching

Did You Know? - A gnome is a diminutive spirit in Renaissance magic and alchemy, first introduced by Paracelsus in the 16th century and later adopted by more recent authors including those of modern fantasy literature. Its characteristics have been reinterpreted to suit the needs of various story tellers, but it is typically said to be a small humanoid that lives underground.

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Can you find the single light that is not working?

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Mr and Mrs. Gingerbread

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Another bridge that crosses onto the island

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Santa! Are you stealing the teddy bear?

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
The tree is upside down... It is tradition!

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Looks pretty good

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
There was barely any wind this evening...
One word for the water.... Brrrrrrrrrrrr

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Theo practices his latest dance moves

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
Charlie does a ninja move on Theo

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
My goodness... Look at the squirrels in the tree

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016
"Let's keep walking!"

Walking around Naples seeing the Christmas lighting 12/20/2016