Candlelight Theater Christmas Play 2016

For the spirit of Christmas fulfills the greatest hunger of mankind.  ~Loring A. Schuler

Post Christmas Play Activities At ORCC And GG Elks (Page Five)

We headed home on the bus and arrived at Old Ranch in about 45 minutes... We decided to have a small drink before going to the Garden Grove Elks and dance the evening away!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"Here's to a wonderful day!"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Bottoms up!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
The play is discussed over and over... Everyone saw something different!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Bob tells a story!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Irene always brightens up the day!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Speaking about story telling!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
" I feel a story coming on!"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"What about the Tea Pot"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Rosy cheeks, big tummy, no beard... We are so confused

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Thank you Brian!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
A view from Bob's end of the table

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"A great day! Nancy was all smiles"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
The stories always bring giggles

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"I can do a serious look.... Really, I can"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
It's only red wine!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Oh dear.... Brian and Paul disappear... Brian has a new "tie-dye" shirt

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"Well... I think I made my splash and will head for home now!"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
We are off to Garden Grove for a wonderful evening of dancing

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Jan and Nia (and David in the background) do a line dance

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Leon and Marsha warm up the dance floor

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
The dance is now officially underway!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Moving across the floor with the greatest of ease

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
A little cowboy cha cha!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Love those shoes guys!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
The Cowboy cha cha requires a lot of footwork!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"Look out... Here she comes"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
That wonderful smile!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
"I wanted to dance but forgot my dance shoes"

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Cooling down

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016
Punch and Judy did a super job of playing seasonal music!

Post play visitng at Old Ranch and then dancing at Garden Grove Elks 12/10/2016

Next Page
Proceed To Page One - Departing Old Ranch

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen