Candlelight Theater Christmas Play 2016

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.  ~W.T. Ellis

Time For Brunch And Meet & Greet (Page Two)

The doors opened at 11:00 and we entered the beautiful Candlelight Theater for a sit down brunch.

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Enter one... Enter all

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
We have most of the main floor...

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Beware... There is always an eye on you at the play!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Amy makes the decision... "One of each, please!"

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Family and friends

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Sitting right up front...

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Peanut gets two grandchildren at her table!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Becca and Great Granddaughter Lilly

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
The room is full

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Sam, Brenda and Gloria getting their snapshots

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Momma Hatcher (Gloria) has joined us several times... Very special for us!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Awe... It's that special time of year!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
The Old Ranch table is always quite active

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
"I believe in Santa... Yes I do!"

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Poppa Chartier, Ralph, fresh from Connecticut

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Charlotte approved!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
"Is it on straight?"

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
The serious picture,,, Followed by...

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
The Christmas smile!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016
Wayne gets a reward

Wish List
Kids... Fill out your wish list so Santa can read it!

Enjoying the Christmas Brunch and awaiting the start of the play at the Candlelight 12/10/2016

Next Page
Proceed To Page Three - The Intermission and Dessert