Liles' Family Christmas At Disneyland 2015

Christmas is a time when you get homesick - even when you're home.  ~Carol Nelson

Christmas Eve At Catal (Page Five)

We have been at the park since 11:00 so it is time to come in from te cold and enjoy a great dinner with friends. Greg and the Finch's joined us for dinner this evening. We had the Piccolo Room just or us!  As usual Catal did an outstanding job!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"It's nice and warm in here"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
One handed eating is not as easy at it looks!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"I love my sweatshirt from 2001!"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"I am pooped! Just got through working the room!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"Why yes indeed I behaved!"

Quotation To Remember: At Christmas, all roads lead home."
~ Marjorie Holmes, American writer.

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
It's two degrees cooler here than in London.... But it is NOT wet!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Perfect ending to a perfect day!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Brian snapped the picture from atop the chair!

Quotation To Remember: My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?"
~ Bob Hope, American film actor and comedian.

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
We were in the piccolo room

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
The ribs smelled so good!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
The chicken paella was outstanding!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Salmon made them smile!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Caprese salad for Greg!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Leonard was there this evening with his WIFE!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Nice to see Leonard and his new wife! We became good friends instantly!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Tme to get together!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Lilly's first trip to Disneyland on Christmas Eve!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"OK... I am here... They party can start!"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"Do you like my million dollar smile?"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015 Proud parents!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
A very proud daddy!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
They both gots the giggles!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Mommy was in rare form! All day at Disneyland and still sane!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"What can I say?"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"For my next number I shall dance and sing!"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Great Grandma got to hold the horse!"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
We stayed to watch the fireworks!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
"Hey! At least it is warm!"

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
Thank you fire!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015
The Uva bar was beginning to slow doen.... After all, it is 10:00!

Disneyland Dining at Downtown Disney 12/24/2015