Liles' Family Christmas Play 12/12/2015

"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." -- Charles Schulz

Christmas Play Overview (Page One)

It's that time of year to attend our Annual Christmas Play in Claremont at the Candlelight Pavillion Dinner Theater. We hire a bus to transport about a third of our group and meet up in Claremont when the doors open at 11:00.

2015 Christmas Play
Not EVERYTHING is outsourced... We still go to Claremont!

Click for full sized collage

2015 Christmas Play
God Bless our amazing soldiers!!!


Page Two (Departure And Arrival In Claremont

We departed "promptly" at 9:30 except that Arturo had other plans! He got a round of applause when he finally showed up! Our bus driver checked the traffic and we ended up taking the 22 to the 57 to the 10 and made it just in time for the doors to be open! Yeah Ron!

2015 Christmas Play
According to tradition, Greg regaled us with his mental acuity
and introduced everyone to each other!


Page Three (Pre-Play Activities)

We arrive and get checked in by the little Elf sharing the front desk with the Candlelight Staff.  Seems this year everyone was on the "Nice" list so they got in! Time the visit and order our appetizers and entrees plus get some "liquid cheer!"

2015 Christmas Play
The Lind Family (Lilly, Rebecca, and Zachary)

Page Four (Santa Need Help!)

Oh dear! Who would have known that Santa needed the help from the "Children Of The World" to get him our of his predicament.  OK kids, time to visit with Santa!

2015 Christmas Play
The sophisticated family bids adieu and head to the wilderness to visit Birdie


Page Five - Post Play And Coming Home

It's time to head out after visiting the cast on stage after the play and getting our special pictures! We wrap things up for this year!

2015 Christmas Play
"I love this part.... We get to go on stage and meet the cast"


Page Six - Professional Pictures

The professional pictures takes a week but we will post them ASAP!

Joy To The World