Liles' Family Christmas Play 12/12/2015

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree." -- Roy L. Smith

Pre-Play Activities (Page Three)

"Welcome!  We are throwing away the list... You can all come in!". We call her the "Susie Elf" and head greeter!    p.s.  She got a job offer from the Candlelight!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Alyssa (just outside the picture) surprised us! She has grown a foot since last year!"

"Don't worry Grandma... Everyone is here!" (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
The Roberts table gets settle in! Kathy is in her glory surrounded by grand kids!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
The Burns with the Schulte clan

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Nick and Bob are missing Mom...
Robin is on the east coast working a critical job...
Note: First time Robin has missed in almosy 20 years!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"You are being photographed!"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Getting double teamed!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Tony and Michele - The Grandparents of Charlie and Alex!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Teri and Shaun - The Grandparents of Dylan

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
OK Del... We are telling Santa! You peeked!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Javier agreed to be the backup Santa Claus this afternoon!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Alyssa and Evelia... Alyssa has grown up so much!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Wally and Ghislaine...
Wally is fully decorated and after a drink he will light up!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Amy is smiling.... Joe just swallowed a tomato by accident!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Grandpa's come in all sizes! Frank is enjoying the day with granddaughter Amanda!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Welcome to another "newbie" - Glad you joined us Geoff
The meaning of the name "Geoff" is: "Peace".

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"Hey Mom and Dad... What's all the noise about?

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Grandpa Gary and Grandma Peanut...

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Connor... All smiles

Did You Know? - The name Connor is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Connor is: Strong willed or wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', meaning high desire. Famous bearers: In Irish mythology Connor was an early king of Ulster.; 20th century Irish diplomat Conor Cruise O'Brien.

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Will seems to be enjoying himself with the grand kids!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Marlayna did excellent with all the commotion going on around her

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Sue makes the rounds!   Marcus is signaling to Santa

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"When they are good, they are mine....
When they are NOT good, they belong to Will!"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Vicky is plotting next year to have her grand kids join her!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"Hi Mom! Miss you!!"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts   Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts   Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Looking good... All in reds! (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
The martini's are flowing.... Tom tells a story of long ago!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"Oh dear! I have lost Nancy!"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Charlie and Alex fill out their Christmas wish list

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Grandma Michele provides valuable assistance!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Putting on the finishing touches!

Charlie gets photobombed (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Charlie and Alex try to scare away Santa! (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Kathy is trying to arrange a "Rent-a-grandma" for Irene!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
All smiles!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Grandpa Ed gets in on the act!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"Bob! Where is the appetizer you promised us?"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"I promised what?"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Del is on the warpath

Gilbert, always surrounded by the ladies! (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"What? Who? Me?

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Marcia tells the story of Christmas magic...

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"I will attempt to work magic and drink it all by myself!"

Paul points the "Fickle Finger of Fate" (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Finally, Bob delivers the appetizers he promised!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
"Wow! Bob did you cook them yourself?"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
They found out Bob only promised the appetizer DISH...
The food is returning to his table!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Greg resting before "working the tables!"

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
Mike awaits the delivery of the entrees... Mike was a "newbie" this year!

Dad's best side (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Tony and Michele (Courtesy of Charlie Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
The center area was busy with the wait staff doing their thing!

Mick was doing an "extra long" announcement....
and we found out why! (Courtesy of Joe Liles)

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts

Did You Know? - Just prior to 11:00 am the brand new super-super theater sound board died!  Quick thinking staff ran to another theater and borrowed their equipment. While Mick was making his "longer than usual" announcements, the wizards of sound were working miracles backstage!

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts


Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts
The cast came out front... Something they do NOT normally do and they sang
Christmas carols.... so the sound man could set the mixer adjustments.

Before the 2015 Christmas Play in Claremont California starts