Liles' Family Christmas At Disneyland 2015

"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most."

Christmas Eve Holiday Tour (Page Three)

Every year we sign up for the Holiday Tour... It's a few dollar but we get onto three rides quickly and then get a ring side seat for the parade plus hot chocolate! Good deal!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
We started at the fire house on Main Street

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
We dropped by the candy store and got marshmellow lollypops!
One word: Sticky!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Look out Marianne, the marshmellow bandit is about to attack!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
It was a beautiful day!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Relaxing at the several short breaks

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
This is a bit worrisome!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"It's easy.... He goes first!"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Why me.... Why do I have to go first?"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Does anyone have gas?"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Even the little birdies are decorated!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
OMG... Look at all the fruitcake! No wonder they are mad!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
The croc does not look happy

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Big squirt at work!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Even the little guy is decorated!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Oh oh!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Come here candy cane!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
The boat spilled all the Christmas decoration into the rivers

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
The snowman is in hot water now!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Beware of crocs!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
A Christmas party is well underway!!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
What are those "bite marks" on the side of the packages?

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
A peaceful location on the great rivers of America

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
More rope than you can shake a stick at!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Getting the low down from our guide!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Why yes... We are ready for the Haunted Mansion!"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Our guide says.... Don't worry"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Carol and Rebecca... Easy to spot in a crowd!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Peanut and Gary!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Miss Lilly... Star of the show!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Hey there! Merry Christmas"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"Lilly is just having a ball today!"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"I am beat"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Marianne gets a kick out of seeing the kids

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
We are off again!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Looks pretty forboding today!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
2:15... Send in rescuers if we are not out in 10 minutes!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
The pumpkins seem to be enjoying the parade of people

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
This is scary!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Lamps floating in he air?

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Strange being.... Oops, that was Marianne!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
This lamp has teeth!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
"We are hungry!"

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
We made it out in 11 minutes flat!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Making plans!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Big smiles!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Hey! Two outta three ain't bad!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Angel Gabriel

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Do you see Roy And Walt's initials?

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
Passing through Fantasyland!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015
We made it to our seats.... The parage is minutes away!

Breakfast at Disneyland and preparing for the Christmas Eve Tour 12/24/2015