Who Said "County Fair?"

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Page 7 (10/2) - Off The The County Fair!

Colleen kept us busy (and out of trouble). We went to the fair today at Fryeburg Fair.

Did You Know? - It was a chilly day in March of 1851 when a few local farmers and merchants got together and decided to show off their harvest, produce, cattle and wares to the community. Since those humble beginnings, Fryeburg Fair, Maine's Blue Ribbon Classic, is Maine's largest agricultural fair second in New England in size only to Eastern States in Massachusetts.

Today Fryeburg Fair sits on 185 acres and has over 100 buildings. The eight-day fair hosts over 3,000 animals including prize-winning draft horses, ponies, racing horses, oxen, dairy & beef cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits and much more. Maine's Blue Ribbon Classic is always during the first week in October.

Fryeburg Fair has flourished since that first fair when William Walker of Lovell won $3 for the best acre of corn and William Spring of Brownfield earned $1 for the best seed wheat. Frye burg Fair attracts more than 225,000 people annually.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We departed out B&B bright and early and headed to Colleen's place just six minutes away!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The Perry's have a huge backyard!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Plenty of room to expand!


2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
It was about a 90 minute ride... BEFORE traffic.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The country roads were well maintained.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Did we say colors?

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The whitewashed homes stood out.

Did You Know? - Whitewash cures through a reaction with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form calcium carbonate in the form of calcite, a type of reaction generally known as carbonation or by the more specific term, carbonation.

It is usually applied to exteriors, or interiors of rural dairies because of its mildly antibacterial properties. Whitewash can be tinted for decorative use and is sometimes painted inside structures such as the hallways of apartment buildings. A small amount can rub off onto clothing. In Britain and Ireland, whitewash was used historically in interiors and exteriors of workers' cottages and still retains something of this association with rural poverty. In the United States, a similar attitude is expressed in the old saying "Too proud to whitewash and too poor to paint." The historic California Missions were commonly whitewashed, giving them their distinctive bright white appearance.

Whitewash is especially compatible with masonry because it is absorbed easily and the resultant chemical reaction hardens the medium.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Must be fun with four feet of snow!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
One can tell the direction of the winds.

The lakes were amazing


Mother Nature is quite amazing!

We are back in Maine now!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Someone had to be different.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
They were decorated for Halloween.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Colleen bought tickets on line - She is good at the Internet!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Many of the homes are two stories!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Did that roof, easy to see in the snow!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
People allowed parking on their lawns during the fair!


2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We are collected!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We walked right in and headed for food!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Mary wanted her turkey leg, they were huge!!!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
How did she get here?

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Jon said these were work carts; there is more to see later!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
His name is spot!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
"Hey.... let me out of here, I am innocent!


2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The modern firetruck!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Heavy duty!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Forerunner of the modern street sweeper.

Did You Know? - In the early 1900s the Studebaker company made a variety of machines for street upkeep, including sprinklers and sweepers. Here's what the company had to say about its "Acme Street Sweeping Machine" at the time:

To be satisfactory, a sweeper must combine lightness of draft with durability, simplicity, ease of operation and efficiency of service. Our Acme sweeper, described in detail on the following pages, embodies all these features.

Wheels are the celebrated Metal Hub Archibald Patent, with rims riveted on each side of spokes. Front gear is full circle turn under platform, with solid collar Concord axle. Hind axle is made of cold rolled steel. Short coupling insures easy draft. Automatic broom adjustment. Simple in construction. Smallest possible number of working parts. No complicated mechanism. Nothing to get out of order. Workmanship and material are the best.

The operation of the sweeper is under the instant, absolute and easy control of the driver without leaving his seat. The Acme is what its name implies, the highest type of street sweeping machine construction. It is in every respect a superior machine, and may be relied upon to give uniformly satisfactory service.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Hey!  It worked!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We have seen these out west!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Jon told us all about these wagons!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Come on Mary; cook us up something!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The romance wagon?

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Oh dear... I can wait a while for this one!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
One must have a beer wagon!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We walked through the displays in the building.

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Like California fairs, they had everything!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The horses were beautiful

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The life of Riley!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Very well taken care of for sure!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Hi knows he is pretty!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Casssie was happy to have joined us for the day!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Cassie has a lovely family!


2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
It was almost sunset!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
The guard dog, Dakota, was "busy" guarding!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We busted out the booze!  It lit up the night!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Colleen, Mary, and Paul went out for pizza to bring back home!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
Mark protects the house when the baby is asleep!

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
I told the guys a story...

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family

2023-10-02 Fregbery County Fair With Family
We thought about the day all the way home to our B&B

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