The Sun Is Gone... Time For Fireworks (Page Six)
The sun is leaving us so it is time for the band to fire up, grab our seats for the fireworks and get prepared to be amazed!
The pop corn machine made a hit!
Sam is going to try it!
Pete and Lisa flagging us down!
The 18th hole rides are being taken down for the fireworks
Linda and James brought their own!
Some rest inside
Some of us go outside and get ready for the fireworks
Grandma Michele assists Charlie!
"Hey... They serve wine here1'
We have a lot of seats
It's Always Time To Dance
Our group hears dance music and off they go!
Will, Iris, Donna, Irene, and Lorraine kick up the dust!
Donna leads the parade!
Tom sneaks in to join the activities
Looking good!
Sad... The music stopped
Antennas up!
Meanwhile on the stage!
Will joins the dancing!
Charlie has his camera ready to go!
Michele enjoys all the activities
White pants seem to be the in thing!
The crowd awaits the fireworks
You can't watch fireworks without a drink!
Someone had their face painted!
"What do you mean I should have had my face painted also?"
Perfect seats
Swing music is about to start!
Michele watches Irene and Paul trip the light fantastic
It's coming soon!
The band played the
Star Spangled BAnner
Our group was first up!
It's really dark now...
The lights go off... The show goes on!
Time To Say Goodbye
Alex and Theo say goodbye
Hugs.. It was a great day!
Cowboy Bernie says good night
Friends and family! Always so much fun!
"OK... Time for me to ham it up!"
Grandma Sue watches Theo's rendition of break dancing
"Aounrf and around I go!"
"I am done!"
Irene loves watching all the activities
Franklyn and Ghislaine
"We have to drive home... It's only 3000 yards from here!
No wine left beind