Time For An After Dinner Walk... To Many Foodies (Page Eight)
The Old Ranch Staff were doing wonderful all day
... Kristina was on a full run
Sue & Juan
Allison always with a smile
Robert checks out the carving station
Magnificent carving job
Another bridge
Made from Lego Ice Cubes
Shirley dressed for the day
Mrs. Cho and Hank Barto
enjoying the activities
The dining room was full
The Bar Was Pretty Busy....
Anything you need... I can do!
Wine and beer anyone?
The patio was even busy
Miniature Golf Anyone??
Keeping Old Ranch running...
Rain was threatening but not near the beach
The Hayride Was Popular
All Aboard.....
"Here we go..."
In a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi Yo Silver"
Jan takes a post dinner stroll
"OK, who emptied my glass?"
I got a hole in one
The Superintendents little pets
Nice socks Irene
Which end do you hold???
Herbs legs frightened the little kids... and the bunnies
Great form
Let's Go Fishing...
Nick gets a nibble
The sun is setting
"Reel him in Nick"
"Come here fishy..."
Watch out for the cars on Lampson
"Hey Dad, please get the drying pan"
Paul & Sue enjoying it all
Sailing sailing over the bounding main
The last of the tricycle rides
The Sun Is Setting...
The sun sets over Old Ranch... Now the activities get into high gear
Dang... I ate too much!
To The Car To Get Our Coats
More Food???
Only American beef used here
The Hypnotist Is On Stage
Selecting the participants
Paul gets hypnotized... Or, maybe it is the wine
The bagpipes call everyone to the fireworks