December 4th 2009 Happy Hour At The Ranch

Hold a true friend with both your hands.  ~Nigerian Proverb  

Happy Hour With Friends 12/4/2009

What a day!  We began at 6:30am with an "hour walk" with Vicky and then we proceeded to Old Ranch for breakfast and 18 holes of golf.  After golf, we had a glass of wine and headed for home to change so we could come back to Old Ranch for Happy Hour and dancing to Rose Mallett before heading to Brea for the Alley Cats Christmas Concert!!

Dressed for the season

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Del and Vicky

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Ted Conlin joins the happy group

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
"Hangar Flying" at its best

Did you know? - A hangar is a building where aircraft are maintained or stored, and pilots “hang around." Maybe the hangar is where that phrase came from. It is obviously where “hangar flying” originated. In the early days of airplane flying, when the weather was bad, the gang sat around the coffee pot and talked about flying. The topics of these informal gatherings ranged from regulations, techniques, instruction, and new ideas to Attaboys and Awshits. That is what we want this column to be: an informal opportunity for us to exchange information. There may be times when we mention names—for praise and criticism.

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Ted has a load of stories

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Who liked his Christmas present???  James said it goes right on the tree!

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Happy Hour was festive

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Not as pretty with a flash!

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
They are still flying

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Old Ranch is decorated

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009
Vicky is telling a story

Beautiful Music From a Beautiful Lady! - Rose Mallett

Visit Rose's Website for more information about this great singer!

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009

Happy Hour at Old Ranch december 4th 2009