San Pedro Elks Lodge

Friends make every event very special!   

San Pedro Elks April 5th 2009


San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
It was Sunday about 6:00 PM when the cuise ships leave San Pedro and Long Beach

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Sailing, Sailing, Over The Bounding Main

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
The sun setting in the sea made the windows of homes and businesses shine like little fires in the distance

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
It is hard to hold the camera still when in telescopic mode

The Street Corner Symphony Get Started

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
The kids get started early.  Al and Margie are heating up the floor

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Bart trips the light fantastic and Cheryl watches

Did you know? - Bartholomew is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning "son of Tholmai". "Bar" means "son of" in Aramaic, and thus its occurrence in a personal name indicates a patronymic. "Tholmai" is commonly supposed to mean "furrows", and Bartholomew is accordingly read as "son of the furrows", meaning one who is rich in land. Alternatively, it is speculated that Tholmai is a form of the Greek name Ptolemy. Bartholomew is also an English or Scottish surname with the same onomastic meaning as the above as a given name.

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Looking good!

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Al and Margie keep us mving

Did you know? -- The girl's name Marie \m(a)-rie\ is of French origin. Variant of Mary (Latin) "star of the sea". Earliest English form of the name which was revived in the 19th century. Scientist Marie Curie; Queen Marie Antoinette of Scots; singer Marie Osmond.

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Leon and Marcia Brander provide demonstrations o the tesy of us

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Tim and Mrs Tim

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Paul and Sue where really there!

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
This young man was celebrating his 79th birthday

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Bart is doing something and we cannot figure out what?  Cheryl is trying to duck out of the picture.

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Bart is enjoying himself and entertaining the table at the same time.  Sue and Cheryl look on

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
It's a new dance but we decided NOT to learn it... Looks like it hurts!

San Pedro Elks 04/05/2009
Time to go but we will return!