Concert At The Beach September 2nd 2009

Friends make every event very special!   

9/2/2009 Wednesday Evening And The Seal Beach Converts Are Underway

Seal Beach free summer concerts titled “9 in 9″ (nine concerts in 2009) continues with an all star line-up. Sponsored by Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce, the event continues to grow in popularity, according to Erik Dryer-Goldman, who helped put the event together. Some people even put their lawn chairs out at 10 a.m. in the morning to save a spot, he said. The free concerts are held Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. at Eisenhower Park next to Seal Beach Pier, located at the end of Main Street in Seal Beach.

James and Linda go to the Long Beach series and we mentioned how about Seal Beach... So the six of us ( Vicky and Del )  decided to go! Oops, seven of us as Frankie got to go also!

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Matt was representing Old Ranch

A Little Friend Joined Us... Frankie The Wonder Dog

Vicky thought a little beret would be a good addition to his ensemble

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Frankie has his seat!

Did You Know? -Did you know? - The Boston Terrier breed originated around 1870, when Robert C. Hooper of Boston purchased a dog known as Hooper's Judge, who was of a Bull and Terrier type lineage. Judge's specific lineage is unknown, however, Hooper's Judge is either directly related to the original Bull and Terrier breeds of the 1700s and early 1800s, or Judge is the result of modern English Bulldogs being crossed into terriers created in the 1860s for show purposes, like the White English Terrier.

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Vicky brought the sushi

Did You Know? -In Japanese cuisine, sushi is vinegar rice, usually topped with other ingredients, such as fish. In spelling sushi its first letter s should sometimes be replaced with z when a prefix is attached such as nigirizushi.

Sliced raw fish alone is called sashimi, as distinct from sushi. Combined with hand-formed clumps of rice, it is called nigirizushi Sushi served rolled inside or around nori (dried and pressed layer sheets of seaweed or algae) is makizushi. Toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu is inarizushi. Toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice is called chirashi-zushi.

The traditional form of sushi is fermented fish and rice, preserved with salt in a process that has been traced to Southeast Asia, where it remains popular today. The term sushi comes from an archaic grammatical form no longer used in other contexts; literally, "sushi" means "it's sour", a reflection of its historic fermented roots.

The science behind the fermentation of fish packed in rice is that the vinegar produced from fermenting rice breaks the fish down into amino acids. This results in one of the five basic tastes, called umami in Japanese. The oldest form of sushi in Japan, Narezushi still very closely resembles this process. In Japan, Narezushi evolved into Oshizushi and ultimately Edomae nigirizushi, which is what the world today knows as "sushi."

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Did you know? - The Boston Terrier breed was first shown in Boston in 1870. By 1889 the breed had become sufficiently popular in Boston that fanciers formed the American Bull Terrier Club, but this proposed name for the breed was not well received by the Bull Terrier Fanciers; the breed's nickname, "roundheads", was similarly inappropriate. Shortly after, at the suggestion of James Watson (a noted writer and authority), the club changed its name to the Boston Terrier Club and in 1893 it was admitted to membership in the American Kennel Club, thus making it the first US breed to be recognized. It is one of a small number of breeds to have originated in the United States. The Boston Terrier was the first non-sporting dog bred in the US.

In the early years, the color and markings were not very important, but by the 1900s the breed's distinctive markings and color were written into the standard, becoming an essential feature. Terrier only in name, the Boston Terrier has lost most of its ruthless desire for mayhem, preferring the company of humans, although some males will still challenge other dogs if they feel their territory is being invaded.


Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
"Scratch a little more to the left dad!"

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
"Yes... that's it!  Keep scratching"

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
One for Frankie???

Did you know? - Hummus (a transliteration of the Arabic: also spelled hamos, houmous, hommos, hommus, hummos, hummous or humus; see romanization of Arabic) is a Levantine Arab dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. It is a popular food throughout the Middle East.

Everyone Gets To Go To The Concert!

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Quite a crowd

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
The band is warming up... The Elm Street Band

Did you know? - They have been referred to as "The World's Greatest Garage/Surf Band", and were written up in the Long Beach Press-Telegram as "the sound track for the City of Long Beach, playing at events all over town." The Elm Street Band has been performing for audiences all over Southern California since 1988.

The four members of the group, Roger Douglass (lead guitar), Roland Misajon (lead vocals and keyboard), Robert Bruce Hirschhorn (bass and founder), and John Navratil (drums) trace their roots back to the '60s. From Stanford Junior High to Millikan High to Long Beach City College and Long Beach State University, these four venerable rockers from Long Beach California have jammed and gigged together in various combinations for over 40 years.

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
A new friend... Lassie

Yeah Yeah The Gang's All Here

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Where is Paul? Behind the camera!  James got our space at 6:30 am

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Paul & Sue in our concert duds

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
"Vicky, I cannot lean in any more or I will fall off the chair!"

Vicky caught Paul in the act

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
A bite for James and a bit for Frankie... Seems fair

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Someone gets his coat on... "Daddy can I have a bite.. I won't spill!"

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Yes sir that's my baby; No sir don't mean maybe

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
This is sooooo embarrassing

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
"It's OK, he doesn't know that pink is a girls color"

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
They are having a conversation

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
See the neat table and wine flowing freely

After The Sun Goes Down It Gets WILD.... Not Exactly

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

The Kids Just Have To Dance

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Other "kids" also...

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Go guys go!!!

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Entertainment everywhere!

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Night Has Fallen

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
The stage area is surrounded with dancers

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Do you see Vicky out there amongst them?

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
"Yes Dad... My eyes sparkle, I am NOT the Devil Dog"

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
A little hug my dear?

Sometimes We Dances In Our Chairs !

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Go go go... She said she needed her little white Go Go Boots

Did you know? - Go-go boots are a low-heeled style of women’s fashion boot worn since the mid-sixties when fashion silhouettes focused on accentuating the leg.

Go Go Boots

The term "go-go" is a 1964 back construction of the 1962 slang term "go," meaning something that was "all the rage"; the term "go-go dancer" first appeared in print in 1965.

The term Go-Go is derived from the French expression à gogo, meaning "in abundance, galore", which is in turn derived from the ancient French word la gogue for "joy, happiness".

In 1958, the first Whisky a Go-Go in North America opened in Chicago, Illinois, on the corner of Rush Street and Chestnut Street. It has been called the first real American discothèque. In Paris, the original accented Whisky à Go-Go opened in 1947.

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Ya rocks to the right and then ya rocks to the left

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
New dance step?

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
No gang signs pleaeeeze

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
"Am I spoiled or what???"

The Last Dance

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band

Time To Head Out And Wait Until Next Year

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
The size of the fire flies were amazing

We Headed To The Wine Store For Dinner

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
Check out the wine jugs over the bar... They belonged to the owners grandfather in Chicago

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
The window opens onto the street and the evening breeze was great

Seal Beach concert with the Elm Stret Band
She knows what she wants.... Paul to sit down!