It's Our Third Valentine's Day Together And It Keeps Getting Better!
We are situated in our new home with most everything we wanted to accomplish having been done. We are established with our friends making life loads of fun. This year we shall celebrate.
Every year I go back and listen to Amos & Andy's Valentines Day radio program, great fun!
There are apparently several dates of importance leading up to Valentine's Day:
Santa Ana Elks (2/10/2023)
We have a table for ten; Us, the Z's, Joe & Amy, Irene & Dr. Bill, Bob & Robin, Michele & Franklyn, and Chuck & Lisa Armstrong. The rest of the "gang" were at adjacent tables.
It was heart-warming to see the entire family together having fun. We missed Colleen but she is in our hearts! We hope she is nice and warm in the badlands of New Hampshire!
Join the fun! Remember to watch the videos!!
We are still dancing to his music 80 years later!!!
Franklyn finds the seats
Irene meets Dr. Bill
What happened when the two angels got married? They lived hardily ever after!
Michele checks out to see that everyone was wearing red!
Robin assists Joe in turning on the camera!
Irene explains...
Joe looks for the "on" switch! Bob attempts to assist!
Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because it couldn't get a date.
Step ! - Check out the battery!
Step #2 - Get Co-Pilots confirmation all preflight setting are correct!
Step #3 - Ready to go!
Joe hears dinner coming! Get all cameras ready!
The "kids" are having a great time visiting
Oh dear, an empty wine bottle.
What's the difference between a $20 steak and a $55 steak? February 14th.
The prime rib was out of this world excellent!
It cut like butter!
Bob and Donna celebrate their 44th with us tonight!
Donna and Bob show us how it is really done!
Slow down, the camera can't keep up!
We have the oxygen bottle ready for Bob when he is done!
"Hang on girl, here we go!!"
"Oh dear, I hope Bob did not use up all the oxygen!"
Paul has a serious look, the wine bottle must be empty!
George & Beverly join the evening
Paul and Beverly pass secrets!
The music was good and we are ready to dance again.
Michele and Franklyn join right in!
Franklyn said he enjoyed the vegetarian aardvark!
Where is Colleen? We missed the third daughter!!
Sometimes us guys over do it!
Great stories are told!
I was asked once, ""Do you have a date for Valentine's Day?"
I replied, "Yes, it's February 14."
Paul has the camera at the ready!
The doctors consult!
Lisa and Amy talk about their experiences in education!
Our house guests and good friends Chuck and Lisa know the family!
Chuck was going to wear diapers and bring his archery set!
We all voted NO!
The Amy smile always happens when the cameras come out.
Robin, Bob, Michele, & Franklyn
Ask them about Theo's report card!
The house was full this evening; over 200 people!
Vicky and Jim; Love the red!
Cupid has apparently been busy!
Vicky & Jim, Betty & Ed, and Donna & Bob
The table didn't stop telling stories all night!
Friends from Starlighters
Do skunks celebrate Valentine's Day? Sure, they're very scent-imental!
"Glass of wine little girl?"
We laugh a lot!
What is this man thinking?
What's the best part about Valentine's Day? The day after when all the chocolate goes on sale.
Do not be disappointed if Amy does not dance!
He got his good looks from Paul!
We had twelve at our table!
Why did the cannibal break up with his girlfriend? She didn't suit his taste!
Irene and Paul hit the dance floor.
Stand back, this could be dangerous!
She promised to go easy on me!
...and around and around you go!
Steppin' out!
We ordered one more bottle and Robin came to reassure me it was on the way!
Daughters are wonderful things but where is Colleen?
We proved the rumor false!
We are doing good!
What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand?
Yes, I had red suspenders!
Oh dear!
Finally, Robin has two Liles by the neck at one time!
Thank you Robin for being you!