New Years Day Rose Parade Floats In Review

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Let's See Some Of The Floats! (Page Eight)

We have been going for years so this time the pictures are just some of interest and not the entire parade!

Did You Know? - Find Your Adventure is a theme that has grown out of a unique partnership between the Pasadena Tournament of Roses and the U.S. National Park Service. The 2016 Rose Parade will help shine light on the centennial celebration of our nation's national parks.

Both the Tournament of Roses and the National Park Service aim to preserve history, connect people through real-life experiences and engage the public in new adventures. As proponents of the American spirit, we encourage you to find beauty in the landscape that builds the backdrop of your lives. From coast-to-coast, we will add your stories of adventure to our collection while protecting our unique heritage and looking to the future.

Every person's adventure is different – you may find yours at the top of a mountain while mine is in my backyard; your adventure may be extraordinary while mine is familiar. Our hope for the New Year is that however you define it, you will find your adventure and enrich your life.

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini
Let's get a group picture

127th Rose Parade Floats And Santorini
Thank you to the daddy of the baby dog