The time to midlight is getting short. Everyone keeps looking at their watches.
"Only a few more minutes!"
"Look out... Here we come"
Dance time!
The suitcases are loaded with Champagne!
Like father... Like son!
"Only a few more minutes!"
"I am waiting to stomp a balloon!"
The dancers are at a fever pitch!
Just moments away!
"We are just catching our breath before the finale!"
"What are they doing... It's been 2016 in London for hours!"
Getting ready for the big moment
Watchit kids... There are adults present!
Paul plans the midnight smooch!
"Not you again!?"
"I am afraid of what Paul might do!"
He did!
Getting ready for the strike on the gong!
"What is that man doing?"
He is an angel!
Countdown has begun!
The balloons are dropping!
Did You Know? - A decorative use for balloons is in balloon drops. In a balloon drop, a plastic bag or net filled with air-inflated balloons is suspended from a fixed height. Once released, the balloons fall onto their target area below. Balloon drops are commonly performed at New Year's Eve celebrations and at political rallies and conventions, but may also be performed at celebrations, including graduations and weddings.
For decades, people have also celebrated with balloon releases. This practice has been discouraged by the balloon industry, as it has posed problematic for the environment and cities.
Smooching can be heard for miles!