Christmas Play 2017

"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most."

Calling All Children (Page Four)

Next Event

Page Created December 9th 2017 - Last Updated: 10/21/2024 22:21:PM

Seems that the old high school drama building is going to be torn down and the drama students decide to put on a play to raise money in an effort to saved the building from demolition! How is this going to work? We don't know! We do know that Santa will show up and the "Power Of The Children" will help save the day!


The play gets underway in the drama building

Grandpa Paul checks in on Charlie and Alex

...and he cavorts throughout the intermission

Chocolate Euphoria.... Cavorting must cease!

The short people are "shorting out"

Loads of laughs on this one!

Great singing talent... and original lyrics!

Yes indeed... A singing jingle-bell!

Giving them a little hand up

Ava, Dillon, Charlie, and Alex are here to help!

Ava, Dillon, Charlie, and Alex are standouts!!

Miss Lilly and her dog are also here to help!

Can't believe she is already three!

Watch out for the fearsome foursome!

The show can now go on!

The "Big Guy" is here!

Through the eyes of babes!

Penny for their thoughts!!

Paying careful attention!

What is on Lilly's list?

What is she thinking?

Why am I the only one in color?

Mrs. Claus is getting a kick out of the lists!

We now know why the adult wish lists
are not read aloud in public!

Listening intently!

Everyone is excited to see what is on the lists

Ava is riding shotgun on Santa's lap!

Never seen her so quiet!

Ah... Grandma Teri and Grandpa Shaun are so proud!

They have worked their magic... Time for the show to go on!

They are about to break into song!

The whole audience is captivated!

Joe now knows what his Halloween costume will be next year!

Good afternoon all! And to all a good afternoon!

See you in 15 days... Be good Lilly, Charlie, Ava, Dillon and Alex