Christmas 2017 Malarkeys

Christmas, children, is not a date.  It is a state of mind.  ~Mary Ellen Chase

Malarkey's Monday Evening

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Page Created December 18th 2017 - Last Updated: 10/21/2024 22:21:PM

A Christmas miracle... We are alone! We really miss seeing Irene although she is having fun visiting her daughter in Portland so we wish her well. She will be back to see us before New Years Eve and that will be good!

Christmas time at MAlarkey's
Into the water for the 1.5695e+12 th time!
(4.3 billion years time e365 days a year)

Christmas time at MAlarkey's
Sailing over the bounding main!

Christmas time at MAlarkey's
Good bye sunshine

Christmas time at MAlarkey's
Never mind: Hello sunshine!

Christmas time at MAlarkey's
Paul's sunshine!

Christmas time at MAlarkey's
Paul slipped off the diet and hit a big bown of Irish Stew!

Christmas time at MAlarkey's