Christmas Eve 2016 At Disneyland

"God walked down the stairs of heaven with a Baby in His arms." -- Paul Scherer

Pre Tour Activities (Page Two)

We got to the park a little early so we had time to go walk to the Jungle Cruise and see how the animals decorated the wild rivers of the world!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The tour starts at 1:45 so we had 60+ minutes

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The river boats had their names changed for Christmas

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Oh dear... The animals probably went wild!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Lilly looks a little worried but she is with her Dad so all is OK!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Robin is ready to shoo the beasts away!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Mr. Hollywood... Cool with his vodka hidden in the water bottle!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The smile that melts the world!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
One very proud papa!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Becca gets a small rest as Lilly rides on Dad's lap!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Another Mr. Hollywood!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
We are about to cast off for the wilds of Africa...

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The Toucans seemed to have found some of the decorations

Did You Know?

The family Ramphastidae includes toucans, toucanets and the smaller toucan called aracaris. There are about 40 different species.

Toucans live in tropical and sub-tropical jungle regions, they are native to southern Mexico in Central America, the northern areas of South America, and the Caribbean region.

Toucans are renown for their large colorful bills. At 8 inches (20 cm) they have the longest bill of any bird in the world in relation to their body size 25 in (63.5 cm).

Despite its size, the toucan's bill is very light as it is made of keratin (like human hair) in a honeycomb-like structure. It is believed to be this large in order to keep the bird cool in the hot climates it lives in.

This does mean the toucan's bill is not very strong, so it can't be used for digging or fighting like other bird beaks.

Toucan's have long narrow tongues up to 15 cm (6 in) long.

The relatively small wings of the toucan means they are not very good at flying and cannot stay airborne for long. This is fine by them though, they often don't move far, and usually hop between branches using curved toes and sharp claws.

Toucans mainly eat fruit, but sometimes prey on insects and small lizards.

Toucans live together in small-sized flocks, they make nests in tree hollows or holes that have often be created by their distant cousin the woodpecker.

The Toco toucan is the most widely recognized species of toucan, it has a large black-tipped orangey-yellow bill and a black bodied plumage with a white throat.

Toucans are one of the nosier jungle birds. They live for up to 20 years, and their predators include Jaguars and other big cats.

Since the 1960's, Toucan Sam, a cartoon mascot, has been used as the face of Kellogg's breakfast cereal Fruit Loops.

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Penny for his thoughts!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The river is loaded with decorations

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Ice in Africa... Global warming I am sure

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
It's an environmental disaster!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The hippo is dining on fruitcake.... Poor guy

Did You Know? - One of the reasons fruitcakes were treasured throughout our history was because they were an efficient way to preserve food for long journeys and bitter winters. The long shelf life of a fruitcake meant that cakes could be baked in the summer and fall and used to supplement food stores over the entire winter.

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
All wrapped up!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
The tree is ready for Lilly to see up close and we watched the parade go by

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
"Daddy makes me tall!"

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Last minute munchies before the tour gets underway!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
"We are ready!"

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Time to walk!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
California Adventure's large Christmas Tree!

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Our tour guide was Maddie

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Cars Land was decorated in all sorts of car-related goodies

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
What to do with an old tire

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Taking a rest

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Quack the Duck was dining...

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Love that castle

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
To Adventure Land and then to New Orleans

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Beautiful day for a boat ride

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
100+ individually carved pumpkins adorn the mansion

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
Maddie tried to explain why the tour was so different from last year...

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
We were warm all day even though it was in the 50's

Disneyland Christmas Eve 2016
"50's??? I am freezing"