Liles' Family Annual Christmas Play 2011 (Page One)

Nothing's as mean as giving a little child something useful for Christmas.  ~Kin Hubbard

It Was A Blustery Day And About 60 Degrees... Perfect Play Weather 12/17/2011

We all arrived about 11:00 and the doors opened into the nice warm theater. Javier was the lone straggler but he made it for lunch and brought his world famous hot sauce.... Called the Gringo-Killer! The show got started on time and we had the kids parfents warned about the need for their participation in part two! It worked, the kids shot up on stage like a rocket! Vicky had the " VickyCam" going capturing all sorts of interesting shots as tghe day progressed .

Who Was Here Collage...

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Click for full size (3200px by 2400px)

Meet And Greet And Seat

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
We made it again... 24th year

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Pete gives Grandma a big hug

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Inside we await the door to open to the theater

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
See Herbie A BLUE and WHITE tree... We call it a Hanukkah Bush"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
So says Herbie but we know better

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"Here's mud in your eye"
(Yes... We worried also... It was apple juice!)

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Rebecca and Grandma Bunny

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Bob and Paul begin the serious cavorting

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Bob got the last of the shaving cream out of my ear that's to his extended length shawl

Bob is always so colorful!

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Sue does introductions and asks the question

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Paul does the rounds

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Javier brought the HOT sauce

Did You Know? - The Scoville scale is a measurement of the spicy heat (or piquance) of a chili pepper. The number of Scoville heat units (SHU) indicates the amount of capsaicin present. Capsaicin is a chemical compound that stimulates chemoreceptor nerve endings in the skin, especially the mucous membranes.

The scale is named after its creator, American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville. His method, devised in 1912, is known as the Scoville Organoleptic Test. The modern commonplace method for quantitative analysis uses high-performance liquid chromatography, making it possible to directly measure capsaicinoid content.

Hot Sauce Hot Saucre Hot Sauce
El Yucateco Salsa Picante de Chile Habanero XXXTra Hot Habanero Hot Sauce. Weighing in at about 11,000 scovilles units, this is by far the hottest of the wonderful line of sauces from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Where was Tom Burns????/>

We were at 11,000 today.... Easy

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Paul, Robin and Bob

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Great colors... greys, purples, and pinks

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Sketchs reveal all

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Renewing friendships

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Donna explains the steps at the winery

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Hans, Carri, and Kathy

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Story time

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Theo gets a load of attention

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Old friends

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Santa makes sure everyone is having a good time

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Peppermint chocolate drink

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
A famous picture

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
OK guys... Share the giggle

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Nick and his two grandmas

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Vicky, Del and Nancy made raring to go....

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
They haven't seen each other for about 13 hours!

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Lisa, Pete meet Kerstin and Hans

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
We are working on Hans

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
It's a LONG story but in a nutshell.... Franklyn hugged Vicky so as NOT to crush her flower...
You gad to be there

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Tom and Bunnaford brought Nick and Rebecca

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Delightful little people!

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Get those crayolas out

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
A new drink

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Del, Ed, Kathy, and Nancy

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Michele and Sue watch Theo

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Our waiter for years is growing a MUS-STASH! Franklyn orders a special drink

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
A few years ago they would have looked like this

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Catching up since the July wine train

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Mike and Pete reminded me about "The Summer Santa"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
The Duda's arrive

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Pete, Robin, Bob and Kerstin

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"Thank you sir... That was a COLD beer, right??"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Sue and Pat (Bob's Mom)

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Donna recounts the Monday "G "

o Boom" in Temecula

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"You should have seen the other guy"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
".... and then......."

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Auntie Sherri joined the gang

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
John and Ernie join the fray

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Pete is our gadabout... He visits everyone

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Appetizers are soon to be on their way

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Mike orders Penguins

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Bob orders Reindeer

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
No Donna with straighten him out

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
The pre-show guitar show is fantastic....

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Ernie and John

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Herbie and Irene... The beard is doing well

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Herbs beard frightened the moose

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Mike and Monica

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
The Burns Family

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Nick is thinking about his Christmas List

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Meanwhile back at the ranch....

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Nancy closes her eyes and drams of a new bartenders guide book for Christmas

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Brian and Jan

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Carri is all decked out in Christmas attire

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Linda and James

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Theo gets a bit of assistance from the stealth fork person

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Mr Bolinger (The General Manager) greets the crowd and tells us what is about to happen

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Magic is about to happen

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Sherri seems to like what he said!!

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"Hey Mom.... That does NOT look like Champagne!"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Unhappy face content

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Great tales of yesteryear are being regaled by Franklyn

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Sue is taking it all in....

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Miles of smiles

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"It's OK Big Nick... I'll take you up on stage this year!"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Memories are forever

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Red appears to be the "in color"

Intermission Brings Dessert

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"I'll take one of each!"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"OMG... Vicky puts hot sauce on anything"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Watching the calories

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Go for it...

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Nick is a professional dessert tester

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Tastes good and looks good on you!

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Yes.... Paul did NOT have dessert.... yet

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
"OK.... I gave in to the temptation"

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Two calories

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
The Santa's

Arrival and visiting at the 2011 Annual Christmas Play
Or go to the play on Page Two

Page 1 - Arrival and Visiting | Page 2 - Show And Intermission | Page 3 - Post Show | Page 4- Professional Pictures