A Sunday Adventure December 11th 2011

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when mom took me to see him, and he asked for my autograph."

We Begin At Church 12/11/2011

A full Sunday of Christmas events e
The displays are out

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Great church activities almost next door... Well, walking distance

A full Sunday of Christmas events
The tree is in the Sanctuary

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Thank goodness for the computer....

La Brique Was Next

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Mike was sick and Monica had stitches so we missed them both but brunch was excellent

To Cerritos For The Elvis Christmas Show

A full Sunday of Christmas events
We did not take pictures but we had a great time... Thanks to ear plugs

Did You Know? - There are mainly three types of earplugs for hearing protection:

NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research recommends using the roll, pull, and hold method when using memory foam earplugs. The process involves the user rolling the earplug into a thin rod, pulling back on the ear, and holding the earplug deep in the canal with the finger. To get a complete seal, the user must wait about 20 seconds for the earplug to expand inside the canal.

Furthermore, they may be either disposable or nondisposable, with foam and silicone ones generally being disposable or for use a relatively limited number of times, while solid ones generally may be regarded as nondisposable. A variation of the traditional foam earplug is the no-roll foam earplug that uses a built-in central stem to push the foam plugs into the ears. These earplugs achieve a seal due to their tapered shape, rather than expansion after being rolled.

Ear plugs are especially useful to people exposed to excessively noisy devices or environments (80 dB or more).

Dinner Dancing With Friends At Old Ranch

A full Sunday of Christmas events
No no Linda.... Dinner Dance, NOT Costume Ball

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Follow suit?

Did You Know? - Follow suit = to do the same as someone else has just done

Usage notes: If you follow suit when you are playing a card game, you put down a card with the same type of symbol on it as the card put down by the person before you.

A full Sunday of Christmas events
The picture is NOT blurry... They just have NOT stopped moving yet

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Giggles found something funny...

A full Sunday of Christmas events
The Christmas picture

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Ed and Kathy

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Polka... Naturally

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Steve was playing up a storm this evening

A full Sunday of Christmas events
There they go again

A full Sunday of Christmas events
The bright star in the north was directly above the beautify young lady

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Paul hears the Chicken Dance and start up flapping....
Sue assures everyone he will not to it in public after last time

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Cavello's take to the floor

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events
The young man did a nice job

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Meanwhile back at the table

The VickyCam Shows Up

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Vicky captures Paul in the act of picture taking

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Paul is trying top be incognito

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Linda... No one will recognize us....

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Ah.... OK....

A full Sunday of Christmas events
On the floor

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Whirling and twirling

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Blowing the horn

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events
"Paul, follow me"

A full Sunday of Christmas events

A full Sunday of Christmas events
Here we go!

Home By 9:30 And A Christmas Movie

We headed for home to settle in for a n evening of Christmas movies (or movie this evening) . We watched "Fallen Angel" on the Hallmark Channel and then hot the sack about 11:30 for tomorrow is a busy day.