Golf And Dancing With Friends

"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." -- Charles Schulz

Old Ranch Golf With Friends 12/9/2011

We joined James and Charlotte and Bunnaford in playing golf at Old Ranch.

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Sue feeds the babies

Christmastime Golf 2011 Christmastime Golf 2011

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Charlotte feeds the pelicans

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Up close and personal

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Mighty James steps up to the plate

Christmastime Golf 2011  Christmastime Golf 2011

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Bunnaford hits the ball and Sue locates it

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Wham..... That ball is going to be a gonner

Christmastime Golf 2011  Christmastime Golf 2011

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
After Happy Hour we head for dancing

Santa Ana Elks Means Time To Dance...

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Lee joined us last night... Irene is having fun

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
The Love Birds

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans

Dancing at Santa Ana Elks and playing golf with the pelicans
Herbie has a Santa Hat
