Robin's Birthday And The Alpine Village

"You know you're getting old when Santa starts looking younger." -- Robert Paul

It's Time To Celebrate Robin's Birthday 12/5/2011

It's our tradition to celebrate. Please see all the details of the great day at Disneyland . Below are a few of the highlights...

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
10:30 and we are there

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
The girls are ready to go

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
So relaxing to see the paddle wheeler

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Look for the "Hidden Mickey"

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
"We have been excellent"

Disneyland and the Alpine Village

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
I am in control

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Finally... It is warm

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Robin with "Mom and Dad"

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Happy birthday

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Albert spoils us

Alpine Village Here We Come

We are ready to dance (after a full day at Disneyland). It was great!

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Tom and Nancy were sick this evening but they decorated anyway

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Beautiful decorations Tom

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Makes the place really light up

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Richard and Barbara come to see our decorations

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
Herbie needs a Santa hat

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
"I am decorated"

Disneyland and the Alpine Village
We were very happy to have Andrea join us! She is a fantastic dancer!