Dinner Dancing June 6th 2012

Time To Go Dancing At Old Ranch

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Let The Party Begin!

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Where is the bar tender???

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012
Night Club circa 1912

Did You Know? - "The Cave" was a room in the basement of the Grunewald (later Roosevelt) Hotel, sometimes considered one of the first nightclubs in the United States, open c. 1912- 1927. Jazz bands by such notables as Tony Parenti, Johnny Bayersdorffer, and Johnny DeDroit played here.

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Ask and thou shall receive

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"The party can now officially start!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Water sir and yes, I do know what fish do in it!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"I didn't tell him they already had!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"I'll pass... It's water"

Did You Know? - Much of the universe's water is produced as a byproduct of star formation. When stars are born, their birth is accompanied by a strong outward wind of gas and dust. When this outflow of material eventually impacts the surrounding gas, the shock waves that are created compress and heat the gas. The water observed is quickly produced in this warm dense gas.

On 22 July 2011, a report described the discovery of a gigantic cloud of water vapor, containing "140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined," around a quasar located 12 billion light years from Earth. According to the researchers, the "discovery shows that water has been prevalent in the universe for nearly its entire existence."

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Everybody is showing up

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Dang... Haven't seen you since Thursday and Friday....

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"... and this gigantic Long Island Iced Tea jumped out at me...."

Did You Know? - A Long Island Iced Tea is a highball made with, among other ingredients, vodka, gin, tequila, and rum. A popular version mixes equal parts vodka, gin, tequila, rum, and triple sec with 1½ parts sour mix and a splash of cola. Most variants use equal parts of the main liquors but include a smaller amount of triple sec (or other orange-flavored liqueur). Close variants often replace the sour mix with lemon juice, replace the cola with actual iced tea, or add white crème de menthe; however, most variants do not include any tea, despite the name of the drink. Some restaurants substitute brandy for the tequila.

The drink has a much higher alcohol concentration (about 22 percent) than most highballs due to the several liquors and the relatively small amount of mixer. Long islands can be ordered "extra long", which further increases the alcohol to mixer ratio.

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"I don't believe a word of it"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
A little snack before dinner?

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Steve is ready to go!

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Let's see what I can do with these?"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Vicky has such beautiful green eyes"

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
New menu gives everyione a challenge

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"A dollar if you can guess what I am thinking"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Knock on wood"

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"So Vicky......."

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Laugh and giggle time

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
The music has begun.... Time to dance

Through The Looking Glass...

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
They are using OUR table.... Guess it is OK this evening

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Who Is On The Dance Floor First??

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Nancy and Vince

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Hang on... I have a new step"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Point your belly button up, point your belly button down... That's what it is all about

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
They do the Hokey Pokey

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Paul tells a whopper

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Another table of dancers

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Dr's are ready to dance also

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
John and Ernie

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Dave and Hilda

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
We settled in on two tables of eight

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Monica arrives....

Did You Know? - Monica is an ancient name, of North African origin, its etymology is unknown. The earliest reference to the name is found in ancient Numidian inscriptions. The name might include a reference to the ancient Libyan god Mon. It has also been posited that it may have been derived from the Latin monere, meaning "to advise". Saint Augustine's mother was named Monica, and she was born in Numidia, North Africa, although she also was a citizen of Carthage, hence the possibility it may be of Punic origin. It has also been associated with the Greek word monos, meaning "alone".

In the United States, the name's popularity reached a peak in 1977 when it was the 39th most popular female name for new births. The popularity has gradually waned since then, being 76th most popular in 1990, and 363rd in 2010.

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Decisions decisions

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"I'm sorry we are out of that... Now, what did you order?"

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Nancy gets her fruit fix for the day

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"I know there has got to be one more cherry in there somewhere!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Oh put the camera down, I am so bashful"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Who, me???"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Stories begin....

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Yes sir... What can I do for you?"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Ta Dah....

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Oh hyou little devil!".... I wonder what Kathy said????

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Look what I found in his drink!"

Translation - Schau, was ich in sein Getränk gefunden!

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Yes.... Protein!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"We are here after an afternoon on the hardware stores..."

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Vicky gives dance lessons to Herbie

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012
Herbie brought his new dance shoes

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Pssst Herb... Your other right foot!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Arthur Murry, eat your heart out!

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Swapping tales on the golf course

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Yes... I am the guilty one... What did I do??"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
The dividers had to be set up as John was too loud!

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Watch it... There are children present

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Hang on tight dear"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Hey -- No fair watching your feet

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
The squeeze box is out

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Did You Know? - The accordion is a free reed instrument and is in the same family as other instruments such as the sheng and khaen. The sheng and khaen are both much older than the accordion and this type of reed did inspire the kind of free reeds in use in the accordion as we know it today. 8-key bisonoric diatonic accordion (c. 1830s)

The accordion's basic form is believed to have been invented in Berlin in 1822 by Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann, although one instrument has been recently discovered that appears to have been built earlier.

The accordion is one of several European inventions of the early 19th century that used free reeds driven by a bellows. An instrument called accordion was first patented in 1829 by Cyrill Demian, of Armenian descent, in Vienna[

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Gliding across the floor

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Herbie finds an unsuspecting member....

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Mike and Monica hit the floor

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"We have to do this more often!"

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Loads of dancers this evening

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Bigger floor next month

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Nancy.... That pickle was soooo sour I can still taste it!"

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Herbie introduces himself

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Dave provides portable air conditioning

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
The wooboe has escaped

Did You Know? - Woobie - Any object, typically a blanket, garment or stuffed animal that is used simply for its comforting characteristics.

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"Psssst -- Tell Herbie his woobie doesn;t match his outfit!"

Ten Step Polka Anyone??

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012

Meanwhile Back At The Table

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Herbie and the Woobie watch the dancing

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
Ta Dah

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
"I have an idea"

Dancing at Old Ranch June 2012

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012
The chatter goes on

Old Ranch dinner dance June 10th 2012