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Old Ranch Country Club Duck Day

Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic.

Happy Hour With The Ducks 5/1/2012

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Sue feeds the babies

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Six little babies

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
The water looks cold

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Come on kids... Let's have a snack before Taco Tuesday starts

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Eat all your corn...

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
"Morn??? I want taco's"

No... You cannot bring your friends!

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Bunnaford is thinking duck....

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Arnie doesn't know that having a BIG belt buckle means.....

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Irene and Herbie arrive for the fun....

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Gary is attempting to turn on the fire pit... Bunnaford is staying behind him in case the flames pop out

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Bunny is encouraged by the progress...

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Whoosh... flames everywhere

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
It warming up....

ORCC Happy Hour 5/1/2012
Herb thinks he cam cause flames to pop out the end of his finger....

Bye Bye