Our Wedding 7/28/2021 Page Five

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.--Peter Ustinov

Page Five - Celebrations Continue...

Our family and friends are indeed party animals. We joined in the festivities until about 19:00 PM and then our chauffeurs drove us to a local beach side resort hotel. Robin and Colleen had left their cars there earlier and they drove our car; a good thing!

The Cupcakes Make Their Appearance!

Our Wedding
They disappeared like magic!

About Mary & Paul
Our family was well represented!

Our Wedding
Amy and my Son, Joe, who was my best man!

Our Wedding
A wonderful couple who we are very proud of!

Our Wedding
And of course, Kerrick and Grandson Connor!

Our Wedding
Another cute couple... So? When is the big day??

Our Wedding

Our Wedding
Go get'em girl!!!

About Mary & Paul
Theo up to his old tricks!!

About Mary & Paul
Grandson Theo has become quite a young man!

About Mary & Paul
Robin, Ed, Vicky, Donna and Bob!

About Mary & Paul
Two beautiful ladies and long time friends! Irene and Sandy.

About Mary & Paul
The Porters visit with The Masked Marvel, Pete!

About Mary & Paul
Mary visits with Patty's Places owner, Nick!

Visiting Continues Before We Depart

Our Wedding
Sandy provided the guest book for the event

Our Wedding
The pace of the party is picking up just as Joe and Chuck begin their famous rendition of Zorba The Greek!

Our Wedding

Our Wedding
Not so serious, grandson Theo!

Our Wedding
Grandson Nick!

Our Wedding
One handsome dude!

Our Wedding
Nick and Theo have been pals for years!

Our Wedding
Amy provides some last minute advice to Mary!   I hope it was not, "RUN!"

Our Wedding
Good night Lilly, thanks for coming on a school night!

Our Wedding
Mary and Joe have become not only family but good friends!

Our Wedding
I love this picture!

Our Wedding
And this one also!

Our Wedding
I am happy Joe was not on the market! He gets his good looks from me!

Our Wedding
Chuck our bartender was very happy for us!

Our Wedding
Mary heads back to the table to find her new husband!

Our Wedding
Love that smile!

Our Wedding
A quick stop to visit Bob Carlson!

Our Wedding
She found me as I devoured the last of the cake!

Our Wedding
...and an ice cream chaser!

Our Wedding
I still had my flower on!

Our Wedding
Colleen (daughter) and Kerrick (future granddaughter????) share!

Our Wedding
Franklyn provides that stoic look needed at such events!

Our Wedding
Bob was, as usual, doing everything he could to help!

Our Wedding
"Hey! What can we say??"

Thank You Diane & Pat For Joining Us

Our Wedding
We were so happy when Dianne and Pat said they would come and share!

Our Wedding
Diane was my sister-in-law for three decades! Also a very good friend and helper in my darker days!

About Mary & Paul
We will remain close!

About Mary & Paul
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