Our Wedding 7/28/2021 Page Two

Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all. --G. K. Chesterton

Page Two; The Party Continues!

This group knows how to party and while the party continued inside, our photographer took several of us outside for family pictures. Great fun!

Our Wedding
The moment is about to arrive!

Our Wedding
Paul's tension reliever!

OK Lovebirds; Two More Photos And Then Outside!

Our Wedding
We do make a cute couple but couple of what is still to be determined!

Our Wedding
Becky is enjoying the get together!

Our Wedding
Great shot of our table!

Our Wedding
What can I say but "Wow!!"

Our Wedding
Ear-to-ear grin!

Our Wedding
The last few moments before the "We Do's"

Outside For Photos!

Our Wedding
My Son and the Best Man with his beautiful wife Amy!!!

Our Wedding
We love them to pieces!

Our Wedding
Joe got all his handsomeness from you know who, yes, the milkman!

Our Wedding
The serious look!

Our Wedding
Photo-bombed by sister Colleen

About Mary & Paul

Did You Know? Joe and Amy met as a result of Colleen setting them up on a date! Not only is Collen a joy she often run around naked with a little bitty bow-and-arrow!

Our Wedding
Colleen did well!

Our Wedding
Sister and brother and they are very close; takes two of them to watch the Old Man!

Our Wedding
Colleen and Joe do look like me; oops! Just Joe!

Our Wedding
Her smile is too big, she is up to something!

Our Wedding
Love you guys!

Now The Photographers Gets Serious

Our Wedding
Mary poses with her grandfather!

Our Wedding
We are just having too much fun!

Our Wedding
She is a beauty!

Our Wedding
I am just learning how to smile!

Our Wedding
She has a magical smile!

About Mary & Paul

Our Wedding
Love the headdress!

Our Wedding
I am a very lucky man to have discovered Mary after twenty years of "knowing" her and seeing her at a distance!

Our Wedding

Our Wedding
Just like she is floating!

Our Wedding
What is going through his mind?

Our Wedding
I will never tell!

Our Wedding
I got the giggles!

Our Wedding
Yes, I drank too much iced tea!

Our Wedding
Doesn't look too bad for being built in the 1940s; most parts are original and some of them still work!

Our Wedding
Mary is kibitzing in the background!

Our Grandson And Family Joined The Fun!

Our Wedding
Miss Lilly enjoyed the festivities!

Our Wedding
We are so happy they are part of our lives!

Our Wedding
..and of course Conner and Kerrick were they to assist us in celebrating!

Our Wedding
Kerrick; go get him! Being married is the proper way to live!

Our Wedding
We will help hold him down!

Our Wedding
Great-grandpa gets a photo with great granddaughter!

Our Wedding
Miss Lilly was enjoying herself and was quite a well behaved young lady!

About Mary & Paul
Happy Birthday Colleen!

About Mary & Paul
All smiles!!

About Mary & Paul
I am too young to have grandkids this old!

About Mary & Paul

Our Family

A few of the kids could not make it because of COVID and travel distances but we had a good representat3ion of the clan!

Our Wedding
The "Wild Bunch"

Our Wedding
Yeah Patty's Place!

Our Wedding
Time to return inside!

Our WeddingGreat grandpa and great granddaughter crack a wide smile!

About Mary & Paul
Hey, Let's Get Married!