Post Dance Cavorting (Page Ten)
After the dance, as tradition dictates, we head for the Ristorente Villa Portofino Inn, for a nightcap and a dessert!
Thank you Hans and Sam for the pictures. Paul's camera was too pooped to pop!
Something is fishy
"Dang... We danced and danced and danced"
"I am ready to dance another... Where is the music?"
Kathy is ready for dessert...
Love that tie Ed!
Paul spies dessert... Generating great interest
Sue makes sure it is a healthy dessert
Stories are told... Memories are made
Pounds are added
Kerstin is guarding her diamond
The stranger makes it to the event...
The birthday boy gets more cake...
"One for the road.... No, make that two"
Take a good look at the moustache....
Now who is sleepy?
A little nightcap and some dessert...
Awe! The Lovebirds are still awake!
Bryan and
Sherrill... Bryan is having a hard time keeping up with Mom!
"We want dessert! We want dessert!"
Sharing a giggle... You must share with everyone
Should he sing for his dessert?