Love birds
We are ready for the evening
Smiles by the miles
...and a little hoagy
Kris and Ron
Ron seems to getting a little frisky! WE APPROVE
Beverly and George
Donna assure Bob gets his veggies
Oops! Is this right? Dori and Lucky
Carolyn and Roy
Holly just finished the first bottle of the meal!
Our wait staff was great
Gary and Marion
I swear Kerstin's outfit is a little more pink than before....
They approve
"Hold it... Paul has an idea!"
"So.... What do you think of my idea??"
"She kinda thinks it might be OK"
Beautiful food
Donna checks in with everyone
Kerstin... Coffee????
I think we are going for a short walk
Great bar at "M"
The Casino looks like a likely target for the walk
Avalon was beautiful this evening
The Casino Walk was well lighted
An amazing structure
Eight-five years old and going strong
A magnificent entrance
Did You Know? - Surrounded by sea on three sides, the circular structure of the Catalina Casino is the equivalent of 12 stories tall. It has a movie theatre and museum on the first level and a dance hall on the top level.
To reach the top level, Wrigley built the Casino with two ramped walkways that extend from the circular core, with two small lobby spaces as well as bathrooms just below the dance floor. Wrigley took the idea to use ramps instead of stairs from his Chicago Cubs stadium. The ramps allowed the large numbers of people using the ballroom to quickly move to and from their destinations. The building was decorated with sterling silver and gold leaf.
The Avalon Theatre, on the first level, shows first-run films nightly. The theatre has one film screen and a seating capacity of 1,154. The theatre is so well insulated that patrons cannot hear the band playing or the 6,000+ dancers on the floor above, yet the acoustics are so good that a speaker on the theatre stage can speak in a normal voice without a microphone and be heard clearly by all in attendance.
Additionally, the theatre still has its original 4-manual, 16 rank theatre pipe organ built by the Page Pipe Organ Company of Lima, Ohio. It is played every Friday and Saturday evening. The circular domed ceiling has notable acoustics and has been studied by experts due to its repute. The theatre lobby is paneled with walnut wood.
The upper level houses the world's largest circular ballroom with a 180-foot (55 m) diameter dance floor. French doors encircle the room connecting the dance floor with a balcony that runs around the building. The dance floor has a capacity of over 6,000 dancers and was used by the local high school basketball team for a time.
Everything was in great shape
We stopped at the Tuna Club on the way back
Did You Know? - Preserving the Tuna Clubs History has remained an important tradition to our membership since our club's founding in 1898. The unique display of angling artifacts within our clubhouse on Catalina Island document more than the first rod and reel captures of tuna, marlin and broad bill swordfish. They provide the world's blue water anglers with an insight to the sports very origins, and the key to understanding its proud heritage.
We continue the walk to the hotel
Our hotel and tomorrow evenings restaurant
Perhaps a snack???
Irene and Sue are chugging right along
Nope! The picture is not fuzzy! They are!!
They just learned a new rap step
Bill stopped dancing to pose for the camera
Everyone is out for a walk - Dinner must have been great
Roy and Dori seeing the sights
"Donna is that way... She head about a dance band"
"Walk.... No, I am looking for a hamburger"
"Let's go to Luau Larry's"
Food... Spirits.... Straw hats
Another nice place to dine
Oh oh... We all smelled wine
Bob finds a Hans-Head-Lookalike
Donna finds the cakie-pies
She is in the wine vault
No dear... No martini's hiding inside the candle
The party can now restart
Nails... Toes and fingers...
Did You Know? - The 30′s was a time of subdued and dramatic accessories and cosmetics. Smaller bits of colour on nails & lips accessorized on a budget and popular nail shades (often matched with lipstick) bold red, pale rose, light pinks and subtle cream shades. Try Guinevere, Flirt, Reno, Lost Red, Sheer Bliss, Pinkalicious to Plum or French Pink.
Fred and Mary show up
Hans got some new glasses
This is a "Don't ask... Don't tell" moment
Time to head for home