To The Floats And Beyond

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

We Are Off To Pasadena January 3rd 2017 Arriving At 10:00 AM

Joanna, from the Rose Garden Tea Room, joined us today. She has lived in Pasadena for along time but never went to see the post parade floats sinc she was eight. We tempted her and she took the bait. What a great day to see the floats and get to know one another better!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Definitely a cool winter day as we depart our neighborhood at 9:00 AM

The Tournament of Roses® has had a "Never on Sunday" tradition since 1893, the first year since the beginning of the Tournament, that New Year's Day fell on a Sunday. The Tournament wanted to avoid frightening horses that would be hitched outside churches and thus interfering with worship services so the events were moved to thenext day.

First stop... The Green Gate on the Corner of Sierra Madre Blvd and Sierra Madre Villa Avenue at the Boy Scout parking area in the Latter Day Saints Church!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
A small donation to the Boy Scouts and we are a block away from the gate

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Perfect! No traffic... 40 minutes from home!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Joanna was there within two minutes of us! Perfect start

Did You Know? - The 2017 Pasadena Tournament of Roses theme, "Echoes of Success," tells the story of how our character has developed through the selfless contributions of others and celebrates their inspirational gifts. It is a celebration for those people, institutions and organizations that help in the success of others.

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017

The pictures that follow are snaps of the floats only and not intended to be the parade in its totality...   (We were too busy visiting)

The floats this year were:

24 Hour Fitness
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
American Armenian Rose Float Association
American Honda Motor Co.
BDK, a Singpoli Affiliate
Burbank Tournament of Roses Association
Cal Poly Universities
California Milk Advisory Board
China Airlines
City of Alhambra, CA
City of Hope
City of Los Angeles
Dole Packaged Foods
Donate Life
Downey Rose Float Association
Farmers Insurance
Kaiser Permanente
Kiwanis International
La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Association
Lions Clubs International
Lucy Pet
Lutheran Laymen's League
National Hockey League (NHL)
Northwestern Mutual
Occupational Therapy Association of California
Odd Fellows Rebekahs Rose Float
Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, Inc.
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Sierra Madre Float Association
South Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association
The Bachelor
The UPS Store, Inc.
Torrance Rose Float Association
Trader Joe's
Union Bank and the American Heart Association Western States Affiliate
United Sikh Mission
Western Asset Management Company

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The faces were in amazing detail

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Starfish out of kumquats and cranberries

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The bird looked ready to fly

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Mr. and Mrs Tiki smile at the visitors

Did You Know? - In Māori mythology, Tiki is the first man created by either Tūmatauenga or Tāne. He found the first woman Marikoriko in a pond; she seduced him and he became the father of Hine-kau-ataata. By extension, a tiki is a large or small wooden or stone carving in humanoid form, although this is a somewhat archaic usage in the Māori language. Carvings similar to tikis and coming to represent deified ancestors are found in most Polynesian cultures. They often serve to mark the boundaries of sacred or significant sites.

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Looks like he could fly right off the float

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Anthurium blossoms were amazing

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
They are also called general common names include anthurium, tailflower,
flamingo flower, and laceleaf.

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Checkout the leaves on this guys shell!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Rose Parade... We know how it got its name!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The red lettering was spectacular

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Mr. Clam made funny noises

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Modeled after the little girl riding the float

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
What? Onions! Onions everywhere!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017 Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Looking mighty handsome

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Rose trees seem to pop up all over!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Portraits in seeds and various spices are amazing

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Attention to detail everywhere!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Even with little sunshine, the flowers seemed to glow!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Joanna really enjoyed seeing the floats up close

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The iguana looked like he was going to jump off the float!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
"Hey... I was guarenteed some flies on a regular basis!"

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
"Oh! Lookit! Dancing lunch!"

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Blast off!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
"I am the real iguana!"

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
"Nope... I am!"

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
We are up to our fanny in iguanas

Did You Know? -

  • An Iguana is a genus of the Lizard family Iguanidae. It is native to tropical areas of Central and South America and the Caribbean.

  • The iguana has a third eye on their head, which is used to regulate hormone production instead of their vision

  • Iguanas have small scales which resemble spikes behind their neck

  • Iguana's can weigh up to 20lbs

  • Lifespan: 12 - 15 years

  • Iguanas are herbivores eating mainly flowers, tree leaves, grass and ferns.

  • Iguanas have excellent vision

  • Basking is important for iguanas to increase body temperature and aid digestion

  • The collective name for a group is a Lounge

  • M ales are called Bulls

  • Females are called Cows

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Green roses???

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The colors were brilliant all over the floats

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Checkout the red apples!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Spagetti and meat balls.... float style

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The garlic was about 24 inches in height

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017

  Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
We took a half-way rest stop!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Party time!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Sue was fascinated with the American Flags

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The reds were so bright

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
A sea of roses...

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Doing some hard riding

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Almost like a log cabin!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Checkout the pomegranites

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Little House on the Prarie?

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
and no one fell off!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017

Did You Know? - Café Santorini opened its doors in June 1993 at a historic brick building in Old Town Pasadena. Specializing in Mediterranean food, we offer grilled meats, seafood dishes, an array of pastas and family style appetizer platters. The indoor dining room offers a cozy intimate setting, while the outdoor patio offers year-round dining under the stars in a romantic roof-top setting. We have a full bar with an extensive wine list.

The Cafe is only 5.5 miles from the Green Gate so we made it quickly.

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
64 West Union Pasadena, Ca

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
We celebrated an amazing day walking amongst the flowers

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
We got our favorite seat... Soft back, nice view, warm heater!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Yup! Right across from Joanna

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
We got excited when lunch was served

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
The kitchen is always a busy place

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Sue did the veggie selection... Pretty and delicious!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Joanna went for the chicken and pasta

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017
Paul did the linquini and clams!
Our tummies are full... Time to head for home!

Walking the 2017 Rose Parade Floats with Joanna 1/3/2017