New Years Eve 2015 (Page Four)

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

The Party Is Going Full Blast! (Page Four)

Preparing the dance on New Years Eve 2015

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Paul checks on the "desert rats" (Brian and Shirely reside in the desert)

Did You Know? - The 7th Armored Division was a British armored division that saw service during the Second World War where its exploits made it famous as the Desert Rats.

After the Munich Crisis, the division was formed in Egypt during 1938 as the Mobile Division (Egypt) and its first divisional commander was the acclaimed tank theorist Major-General Sir Percy Hobart. During January 1940, the name of the unit was changed to the 7th Armored Division. It was during this period that the nickname "Desert Rats" was coined.

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Hope the camera has heavy duty lenses

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Someone has the giggles....
We should have put super glue on the tierra before he put it on!

Did You Know? - The original cyanoacrylates (the chemical name for the glue) were discovered in 1942 in a search for materials to make clear plastic gun sights during World War II, when a team of scientists headed by Harry Coover Jr. stumbled upon a formulation that stuck to everything that it came in contact with; it was rejected for the application.

In 1951 cyanoacrylates were rediscovered by Eastman Kodak researchers Harry Coover Jr. and Fred Joyner, who recognized their true commercial potential; "Eastman #910" (later "Eastman 910") was the first cyanoacrylate adhesive to be sold, in 1958.

During the 1960s, Eastman Kodak sold cyanoacrylate to Loctite, which in turn repackaged and distributed it under a different brand name "Loctite Quick Set 404".

In 1971 Loctite developed its own manufacturing technology and introduced its own line of cyanoacrylate, called "Super Bonder". Loctite quickly gained market share, and by the late 1970s it was believed to have exceeded Eastman Kodak's share in the North American industrial cyanoacrylate market.

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
The proper way to wear a hat is demonstrated by Marion

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
These smiles describe the enitre evening

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Charming with his beads and new bonnett!
Gary is a good sport!

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
We figured out it was a purse... Not a fez!

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Bob and Donna kept the audiences attention with their dancing skills

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
What did Bob just say???


Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
The band warms up... It's almost 9:00 PM

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Hate to see a grown man beg for wine

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Marianne and Paul develop a plan

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
The wine is flowing and friends talk

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Vince and Nancy... Nancy wears her chicken feather boa

Did You Know? - Feather boas have been documented for use as an adornment since at least 1820, but they might have been worn as early as the 17th century. Feather boas have fallen in and out of fashion many times over the years. Feather boas have had the reputation of being elegant as well as being considered campy or vulgar apparel.[citation needed]

Some historic eras where feather boas were in style or trendy include: the late Victorian era and Edwardian era (between 1890 and 1915), the 1920s, the 1970s during the glam rock and Disco music eras, the late 1990s, and into the early 21st century.

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Kathy demonstrates the new phone...
This one does NOT have a crank on the side

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
The gents discuss the world events... We needed bubble gum cigars
OMG... That's Paul with a cup of coffee???

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Checking the time... Ed does not want to miss midnight!
Ed... It's midnight when Mickey's hands are pointing strainght up!

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
OK guys... Time to dance

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
"Bring on the noise makers!"

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
.... By golly... Here they are!

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Tuning up... Ready for the dessert

Dessert Is Served... Marriott Style

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
The parade begins... Mouths begin to water!

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Rounding the corner without spilling a drop

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Getting in position

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
The presentation of the Ricotta Cheesecake (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

Did You Know? - Almost all modern cheesecakes in the United States and Canada use cream cheese; in Italy, cheesecakes use ricotta; Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland use quark. Cheesecakes are most easily baked in a leak-proof springform pan, often paired with a water bath to more evenly distribute the heat. Because of the high density of most cheesecakes, they continue baking for some time after removal from an oven.

Whether baked cheesecake should be classified as a pie, a custard, a torte, or something else is a matter of debate.

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015
Capturing the moment

New Years Even Dance 2015
Time for dessert (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
We had great tables... Easy to get to the dance floor and easy to visit
(Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
Caught wihtout a camera (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
"It wasn't me!" (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
20 minute warning (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
Keeping cool (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
"Hey! Get a room.... Oh oh... They did!" (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

New Years Even Dance 2015
The candid camera is always ready (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)

Preparing the dance on New YEars Eve 2015

Page 1 - Year In Review | Page 2 - Gathering For New Years Eve | Page 3 - Who Was Here
Page 4 - The Party Continues | Page 5 - The Countdown Followed By Breakfast
Page 6 - New Years Day Float Review (Part One) | Page 7 - New Years Day Float Review (Part Two)
Page 8 - New Years Celebration At The Finch's | Page 9 - Memories Of 2014