New Years Celebration 2012 At The Santa Ana Elks

It wouldn't be New Year's if I didn't have regrets. - William Thomas

The 2012 New Years Celebrations Continue (Page Three)

New Years Eve 12/31/2011

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"I do NOT have any resolutions!


New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Carri and Vince hit the floor

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
...and around and around they go

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Now the Samba....

The Samba

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Watching can be a load of fun also

New Years Resolution

Did You Know? - A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more lasting personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. This goal must be reached by the next New Year. Keep in mind that this is a goal, not a wish and should be something that you as a person could strive for.

Quoting Frank Ra (author of the new year's resolution book "A course in happiness"): "Resolutions are more sustainable when shared, both in terms of with whom you share the benefits of your resolution, and with whom you share the path of maintaining your resolution. Peer-support makes a difference in success rate with new year's resolutions". According to Gretchen Rubin (author of best-seller "The Happiness Project"): "You hit a goal, you achieve a goal. You keep a resolution".

This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous. A New Year's Resolution is generally a goal someone sets out to accomplish in the coming year. Some examples include resolutions to donate to the poor more often, to become more assertive, or to become more environmentally responsible. A key element to a New Year's Resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year, and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a new year's resolution plan to do so for the whole following year.

Meanwhile On The Dance Floor

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Herbie and Irene are dancing like no one is watching.... Perhaps that might be a good idea?

Did You Know? - Recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. A separate study in 2007 by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol showed that 78% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, and those who succeed have 5 traits in common. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set; such as, a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
That there is a million dollar smile

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Irene told a joke....

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Beautiful people

Don't Get Caught Don't Get Caught Don't Get Caught

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Herbie's resolution: DO NOT BURN CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS!

Both Ends
...and why not says Mr. Candle

Super Music This Evening

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Larry Fresch Did A Great Job his Evening

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Taking requests is LArry's speciality.... Playing them is another thing...

The Dancing Continues

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Brian and Shirley... Breathless

New Years Eve 12/31/2011

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"I love oxygen...."

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Craig and Marrianne

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
She lights up the dance floor

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Oh oh... Watch out around you....

New Years Resolution

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Here we go... hold on tight!"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Herbie provide dance instruction

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"PArdon.... Did you say line dance???"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
This is my serious face

Serious Dog Face

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Paul is always so very serious

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Sue is wondering what is going to happen next....

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Paul flashes


New Years Eve 12/31/2011
To the dance floor... It's safer out there

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Stories are being told

New Years Eve 12/31/2011

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Contemplating his next move

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"It's called THE DIP"..... No the dance step, not him!

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Fancy handwork

Hard Work
Took us four days to untangle them last New Years Eve

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
The floor has been taken over....

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Line dancers beware

Dancing Cats

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Lession #1: Swing arms way out to clear the dance floor

The Line Dance King Takes To The Floor

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Greg takes the corner position so as to provide a good view to the ladies

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Get outta my way!!!"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Greg is missing a line dancing feather

New Years Eve 12/31/2011

Man Dancing Man Dancing Man Dancing

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Pssssst Ed! Greg is NOT doing what I think he is doing, is he????"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Brian... I am NOt really sure...."

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Hey, do you think we ought to call for a stretcher??"


New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Nope... He is still up and moving

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Yo... Greg... You just stepped on my toe!!"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Oh... This is getting difficult... I have to move BOTHfeet?"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Sometimes it is good to be wooden!"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"Ya know... The man has potential..."

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Concentration in action


New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Abby is wondering about how to stop Greg... Cold bucket of water perhaps??

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
The tongue helps immensely

Cater Day Night   Cater Day Night

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Look to the left

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Look to the right....

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Nacy says... "Stand up.. Sit down... Fight fight fight"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
Nancy is learning some moves from Greg

The Boys Are Admiring Gregs Footwork

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"He is quite bonkers!"

New Years Eve 12/31/2011
"It's almost like he knows what he is doing???"

Loosing weight