An Evening With Michael Bublé

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold; everything is softer and more beautiful.

Bring Your Own Bubbles!

Page Created: 12/01/2024 Page Last Updated: 12/19/2024 12:23

We are off to Campus Jax at the left-hand side of the runway at John Wayne.  It is a dinner theater and we have been going to for a long time.  Tonight, Michael Bublé's song will be featured by Anthony Bernasconi!

We are bringing several types of medications to assure Vicky does NOT pass out and also ropes to tie her to her chair to prevent mayhem on the stage!

Vicky gets "twitterpated" by his presence (We will have an ambulance stationed outside).

Michael Steven Bublé was born September 9, 1975 and is a Canadian singer and songwriter. Born in Burnaby, British Columbia, he is often credited for helping to renew public interest and appreciation for traditional pop standards and the Great American Songbook. Bublé has sold over 75 million records worldwide, and won numerous awards, including five Grammy Awards and fifteen Juno Awards.

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax

The facility is plain on the outside but it comes alive on the inside!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax

In a world where so many are hungry, may we eat this food with humble hearts; In a world where so many are lonely, may we share this friendship with joyful hearts. Amen.

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
Vicky got the tickets and we were, of course, at "her" table!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
Jim was dressed for the evening.

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
The performers got wonderful applause!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
We were studying the drink menu!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
He went down into the crowd several times.

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
Pointing fingers is OK!

We caught a short video!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
His wife is the redhead (and also the operations manager).

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
The classical Christmas music was outstanding... brought back many memories!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
Rocking Around The Christmas Tree brought the kids to life!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
It was a delightful evening of fun and song!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
Vicky got her photo... an evening requirement.
This is what "twitterpated" lookd like!

2024-12-01 Michael Buble at Campus Jax
There were ten of us and we are all dancers!

To The Next Christmas Event