Grinch With The Other Liles Family!

I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year.  ~Charles Dickens

2023-12-19 Seagerstrom Theater's Presentation Of "The Grinch"

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

The Grinch is a fictional character created by children's author and cartoonist Dr. Seuss. He is best known as the main character of the 1957 children's book How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

Did You Know? - Theodor Seuss Geisel (March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991) was an American children's author and cartoonist. He is known for his work writing and illustrating more than 60 books under the pen name Dr. Seuss (/suːs, zuːs/ sooss, zooss). His work includes many of the most popular children's books of all time, selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death.

Start With An Interesting Dinner

एमी ने पहले कभी भारतीय खाना नहीं खाया है इसलिए यह दिलचस्प होगा।

Dinner at the Royal Khyber; my Indian food place of choice for thirty-five years!

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

It's 4:00 pm, and we are off to South Coast Plaza for dinner with Amy and Joe before the show at the Segerstrom Theater! There was no traffic on the freeway, so we arrived too early. We decided to grab a drink at Antenello's next door!

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

Knowing that Amy was nervous about the Indian food, Mary found Brussels sprouts on the bar menu, and we ordered them to go for Amy.

We walked to the Royal Khyber and got there before Joe and Amy. We told the owner and general manager about Amy's dilemma. We asked if they would heat them and serve them to Amy as an appetizer, and I would announce what it was. The plan worked beautifully.

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

We were both lit up for the evening. I changed my light to multi-color because when they flashed red, three cars stopped and let us by!

Mary did her soup and salad while I went for the lamb vindaloo, heat level ten!!

Amy tried the butter chicken and pronounced it was terrific!

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

To get into the season, we thought about Christmas trees and snow! Poof! It happened.

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

Over To The Seagerstrom For The Theatrical Performance Of "The Grinch"

The Grinch is depicted as a green, furry, Pot-bellied, pear-shaped, snub-nosed humanoid creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. In full-color adaptations, he is typically colored Green. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff, overlooking the town of Whoville.

It was approaching 7:00 pm, a bewitching hour, and we jumped in the Silver Fox and dashed to the theater only two blocks away. We can't take pictures during the performance, so I got these from the online advertisement, but they are identical to what we saw. Brilliant colors and lots of action!

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

In contrast to the cheerful Whos, the Grinch is misanthropic, ill-natured, and mean-tempered. The reason for this is a source of speculation; the consensus among the Whos is that he was born with a heart that they say was "two sizes too small". Though always hateful, he especially hates the Christmas season, making particular note of how disturbing the various elements of Christmas time are to him, including the earsplitting noises of strangely-designed musical instruments, the eating of Christmas dinner and the singing of Christmas carols. Unable to stand the holiday any longer, he decides to destroy it once and for all.

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

Aided by his pet dog, Max, he meticulously designs a red suit to disguise himself as Santa Claus and breaks into the Whos' homes on Christmas Eve while they sleep to steal everything they own, right down to the last crumb of food they have, and dump it off of a nearby mountain. Although he pulls off the theft successfully, on Christmas morning, he is shocked to hear the Whos still singing cheerfully, happy simply to have each other. He then realizes that the holiday has a deeper meaning that he never considered. Inspired, he stops the Whos' belongings from falling off the edge of the mountain, and in the process, his heart grows "three sizes". He returns all the gifts he stole and gladly takes part in the Whos' Christmas celebration.

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy

After the performance, we returned to the Royal Khyber to retrieve Joe's car. Then, we were on our way back home, but the temptation of Ace's Bar and Grill led us to Chapman. We stopped and had a glass of wine before finally heading home. We hijacked the jukebox and played Christmas songs until we departed.

2023-12-19 The Grinch with Joe and Amy
Proceed To Girls Night Out & Riversides Mission Inn