Liles' Family Christmas Decorating

"The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature." -- Andy Rooney

2023/12/26 - Bam, And It Was Done!

I had planned to ask Juan to bring things down but Joe said, "Pops, you have to grandsons!"  I hated to ask them because they are so busy but Joe and the boys came over and the three of them emptied the garage attic in about 15 minutes flat!  WOW!

Not only that, the boxes were taken to our family room so we cold begin the process immediately.

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023


Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
It begins!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Christmas comes in and Thanksgiving goes out!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Tote that barge, lift that bail!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
The boys are quite strong! Grandpa would;d have needed oxygen by now.

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Charlie makes it look easy! Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Joe goes for another load!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Things are stacking up!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Time to rest!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
We have work ahead!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023

Now the serious work begins and takes several days as chores and entertainment take precedence!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
First the baby comes out and takes a place of honor!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Scout is always there to help keeping the hallways blocked from marauders!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
He really is a help, NOT!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
As we empty the containers go outside on the patio!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Where to place them?

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Scout on duty!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Progress is being made.

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Scout counts the almost empty boxes.

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Daddy builds the pyramids!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
"Now how does this go?"

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Oops! The kitchen counter is still loaded with Christmas dishes and cups.

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Just a few repairs to be made

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
The repairs take longer than we thought

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Lady Victory says "It's A Go!!!"

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
No table space available...

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Even the hallway is decorated!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Looks great!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
December 1st is right around the corner.

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Lights on!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
The Formal Dining Room is ready to receive guests!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
The Living Room/TV Room is approved for use!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
The LED's do a good job!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Everyone knows Santa lives here!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Red and Green alternating lights were easy to program!

Decorating the house for Christmas 2023
Dining room is ready!

Decorating For Christmas 2023

We always have some "blowups" and this year is no exception. We have the Sarge (who protects the house), Disco Santa (scares the critters away), and the Heliport (where Santa comes in for a quick visit).

Decorating For Christmas 2023
Roll down your window and show your ID.

Decorating For Christmas 2023
We love that moving disco ball!

Decorating For Christmas 2023
They occupy most of the front yard!

Decorating For Christmas 2023
Copter to Tower, here we come!

Decorating For Christmas 2023

Decorating For Christmas 2023

David and Dianne gave up two beautiful Santas and they each had a cassette tape player built in so they tell stories and play ragtime Christmas music. They go on the kitchen island, a place of honor to be seen by everyone!

Decorating For Christmas 2023
"What story would you like to hear??"

Decorating For Christmas 2023
"I will play a Christmas tune softly in the background!"

Decorating For Christmas 2023
Nervous Nellie, the moving Christmas Tree, will keep and eye on them!

Decorating For Christmas 2023
Proceed To 2023-11-19 - Alley Cats