Paul Turns Seventy-Nine; Older Than Dirt!

"As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is." -- Eric Sevareid


The tradition of going to the Five Crowns stopped when my son Mitch passed away but life must go on and we need to bring new folks to the Crowns for dinner so Mary, Robin, and Bob now have had the experience.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday

We went to dinner at Five Crowns which is a charming replica of one of England's oldest country inns and a Corona del Mar landmark steakhouse. We experienced warm hospitality and cozy fireplaces set among authentic antiques and period paintings.

Lawry's opened on June 15, 1938, at the "Restaurant Row" on 100 N. La Cienega Blvd. in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.  BTW, their first restaurant was the Tam O'Shanter Inn in Burbank which is over 100 years old.

Did You Know? - The Tam O'Shanter Inn was established by Lawrence Frank and Walter Van de Kamp, founders of Van de Kamp's Holland Dutch Bakeries, who later created the Lawry's restaurant chain. They commissioned Harry Oliver to design the building. He constructed the Storybook Style building aided by movie studio carpenters. The Tam O'Shanter Inn opened in June 1922 and was a success. The owner said, "Every piece of wood which was used in this structure was thrown into fire first with the result that we never had to paint it and it got more beautiful as the years went by."

It was remodeled in 1968 and renamed the "Great Scot", but in 1982 returned to the original name "The Tam O'Shanter Inn". The decor features English and Scottish medieval weapons, kilts, and family coats of arms and medieval family crests. In 2018, it opened an outdoor patio space.

In March 2022, Tam O'Shanter Inn celebrated its 100-year anniversary.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
We arrived at 4:35 pm, right on time!

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"Hello, operator?"

I said, "Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip."

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We are decked out and flashing at the same time!

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Paul must have said something?

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Let's light up the restaurant!

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It is scientifically possible to look at the menu and gain three pounds!

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2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday

We ordered the shashito peppers to make a comparison with Chef Bob's version; Bob won!!

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They were pretty good albeit a bit spicy!

No one had ever had "Tinned Fish" so I ordered it. Tinned Fish served with whipped butter, pickled peppers, trio of salts, Rye Goods sourdough.

Did You Know? - Canned fish is loaded with nutrients; it is protein-dense and provides beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Canned fatty fish, like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines are also a source of vitamin D, vitamin B12, choline, iron, and iodine. Canned sardines and salmon with the bones provide calcium.

Canned or tinned fish are food fish which have been processed, sealed in an airtight container such as a sealed tin can, and subjected to heat. Canning is a method of preserving food, and provides a typical shelf life ranging from one to five years.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Our tinned fish was yellow tail tuna served with butter, salt, and bread plus peppers!

Did You Know? - White Tuna (Albacore), also known as Bonito del Norte, is considered a superior tuna for its exquisite flavor, smooth texture and white tone. Yellowfin Tuna has a reddish color and the texture is not as fine, yet it retains a pleasant flavor.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
They were a little suspicious but we all had some and fished it off!

How did a duck buy birthday presents? He put them on his bill.

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2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Amazing sounds from four people in harmony!

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday

Of course, pops had to ordered interesting drinks.   This delight was GRANDMA'S CHERRY PIE Luxardo sour cherry gin, Hendrick's gin, lime juice, house made grenadine.

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It received four-stars from Mary!

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The Henry the VIII th cut, 23 oz of prime rib; some came home with us!

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Capture the moment.

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We were all having a ball!

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This beauty was called "UNDER THE MISTLETOE"

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It was a memorable evening meaning I remembered it!

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I gave them the 78 smile!

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This is the new 79 smile!

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
We shared our Chocolate Soufflé

Did You Know? - What is Chocolate Soufflé? A soufflé is made up of stiffly beaten egg whites and a thick chocolaty base. The air trapped inside the beaten egg whites is what makes the soufflé rise so beating the egg white properly is critical for success.

Everything You Want To Know About Cheese Soufflés | Mediocre Chef What does a soufflé taste like? Deliciousness. But seriously though, they are very light and airy with a subtle egg flavor that enhances the ingredients that you add — they can be sweet or savory.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Thank you are a great birthday dinner!
The Chocolate Soufflé is disappearing before my eyes!

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2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Land of 1000 lights!

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Thank goodness Mary is lit up!

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2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Zip-Bippin around the corners at break-neck speeds!

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We are awaiting Joe to put up his train set in the back yard.

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Christmas colors everywhere!

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We enjoyed seeing all the Christmas goodies.

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How come the reds are "redder" at Christmas?

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The windows open to the garden area which are all lit up!

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Anyone need a spare tree?

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"I see you!"

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We will drink to that!

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Bob!  Did you see where it was made?

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He is watching you!!

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We looked for a Christopher Radko ornament for Colleen.

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.

What goes up but never comes down? Your age.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Nothing patriotic!

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Jingle bells were put to good use!

What did the bald man say when he got a comb for a birthday present? "Thanks — I'll never part with it."

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
A small motor keeps the snow moving; an interesting concept.

What's the best way to remember your wife's birthday? Forget it once.

2023-12-16 Pauls 79th Birthday
Remember the bubble lights?

Did You Know? - This glass tube is designed to be in close contact with the incandescent light source, which gives off heat after being turned on for a few minutes. As the incandescent bulb heats up, the liquid inside the glass tube begins to boil, and you get a favorite light from Christmas past: bubble lights!

The fluid inside old or new bubble lights most frequently is methylene chloride. Methylene chloride can cause serious poisoning if it is inhaled, swallowed, or spilled on the skin. In the body, methylene chloride is converted to carbon monoxide.

In 1946, NOMA introduced its famous Bubble Lights, which became a fashionable decoration well into the 1960s.

We drove home after the visit and had the champagne and cake that Bob and Robin brought over earlier this afternoon. The kids are fun to be around.

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We did question their selection of flavors!

The kids headed home and we finished off the last of the champagne before dropping off to a sound sleep!

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I dreamed of Christmas all night long!

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Bye Santa!  See you in a few days!

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Christmas Dinner In Denmark At Charlotte's home