Christmas 2019 Paul Turns 75

Christmas, children, is not a date.  It is a state of mind.  ~Mary Ellen Chase

Off To Brunch At Old Ranch, Or So I Thought! (Page One)

We entered ORCC and the dining room was full so Juan told us they opened another area for brunch. I bought into that, seemed logical! So we walk to the other end of the building and every room was full of people, must be the holidays. We go up stairs in the elevator and begin to walk into the upstairs room. Our waiter opens the door and all I see is people sitting at tables NOT MOVING and in total silhouette (I can't make out a single face int he crowd).

Then, I see Robin's outline, she has a beautiful face and I knew something was up. Everybody jumped up and my mouth dropped! Wow, what an absolute surprise!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Check the expression, I had no idea what this room full of people were doing!

Did You Know? - Surprise is a brief mental and physiological state, a startle response experienced by animals and humans as the result of an unexpected event. Surprise can have any valence; that is, it can be neutral/moderate, pleasant, unpleasant, positive, or negative. Surprise can occur in varying levels of intensity ranging from very-surprised, which may induce the fight-or-flight response, or little-surprise that elicits a less intense response to the stimuli.

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Robin took care of most everything and Sue didn't even know who was coming!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Half in tears, I did not know what to think!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Finally my eyes begin to adjust!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
..and she looks so innocent! Right!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Colleen is really enjoying this!

A Thought - "I can honestly say I love getting older. Then again, I never put my glasses on before looking in the mirror." —Cherie Lunghi

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Yes, the old man cries!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Daughters Robin and Michele

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Lee (my high school sweetheart) came to wish the ol' man Happy Birthday

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Bob Duda looking for his drumsticks

Thoughts - "Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter." —Satchel Paige, baseball player

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Our nieces Hannah and Lisa all the way from San Jose

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Enough hugging, let's chow down!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Franklyn teases me with the shirt

Thoughts - "In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber. So long as it receives a message of beauty, hope, cheer, and courage – so long are you young. When the wires are all down and our heart is covered with the snow of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and only then, are you grown old." ~Douglas MacArthur

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Bob, my brother from another mother and this afternoon's MC,
was ready to party!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Donna (Bob's better half) was all smiles

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Great grandson Remy and his Mommy, Becca, came to celebrate

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Kerrick, grandson Connor's lady, joined the festivities

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Iris, about to celebrate 93, said "All will be OK!"

Thoughts - "Age is no barrier. It's a limitation you put on your mind." ~Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
A party without Brenda would NOT be a party!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Silly-Lilly finds friends every where

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019 Nancy Adamson, twenty year dancing friend!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Pat a.k.a The Cookie Monster and super brother-in-law

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Thoughts - Grandchildren restore our zest for life, and our faith in humanity.

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
The Lilly-Gator, our first grandchild was Johnny On The Spot

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
"Where is my tookie"

Thoughts - Children are the rainbow of life. Grandchildren are the pot of gold.

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Remington gives his approval

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Grandson Charlie, always with a smile!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Alex, a chip of the ol' block! (He, his daddy, and
grandpa are always up to something!)

Thoughts - An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Anything longer than that, and you start to age quickly.

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Robin was successful in pulling this off!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Marianne came to celebrate

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
The Boss checks to see if everything is going OK

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Greg joined the party and was a featured speaker

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Paul provides advice to the younger generation

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Actually, Paul provides advice to any one that will listen

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Good food and amazing company and family flying in from San Jose to celebrate
(Thank you Diane, Pat, Hannah, and Lisa PLUS
Colleen and Mark from New Hampshire)

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Our son Joe's family enjoying the event and meeting
up with Sam and Brenda

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Kids, grandkids, and great grandkids! ... Oh Dear!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Paul makes the rounds... Bob attempts to hide!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Our dancing friends are waiting for the music to start!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
OMG, this is "The Kids Table".... I am indeed old!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019
Fun and more fun!

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019

Celebrating Paul's 75th birthday at Old Ranch Country Club 12/15/2019