Christmas 2019 Unplanned Dinner

"What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? Claustrophobic." -- Unknown

Fun At The Drop Of A Hat

Colleen was out and about today and upon arriving back "in town" she called for a dinner at the Olive Garden. We had Amy & Joe and family plus Becca & Zack plus family plus Colleen and us! Great time in Buena Park! Thank you Colleen for the idea!

Special thanks to Amy and Becca who dropped everything, got the kids ready (including Joe and Zack) and headed to the Olive Garden on such short notice! Your consideration if appreciated!

Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019
The whole clan was here

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Joe teaches Silly Lilly that she really has eleven fingers!

"Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. You know, the birth of Santa?"

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Amy just shakes her head... Can't say as we blame her!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Alex shows his special smile... guaranteed to scare away bears!
(Did you notice, NO BEARS in the restaurant this evening?)

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Just in-case a bear is out in the parking lot?

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Remy goes for a visit!

"Christmas is the season when you buy this year's gifts with next year's money."

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Looking good..after two pizzas and the lasagna!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
The kids are very well behaved, just having fun!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Alex heard a bear just outside the window!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Amy watches the counting lesson!

Christmas 2019

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
She is watching carefully at Great Uncle Joe

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
...ow after you count to eleven you must...

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Hide your head!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Actually, Joe is playing Peek-a-Boo with Amy... It's so cute!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
This part of Peek-A-Boo we do not understand!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Must be the fun part we were never taught

"The principal advantage of the non-parental lifestyle is that on Christmas Eve you need not be struck dumb by the three most terrifying words that the government allows to be printed on any product: "Some assembly required.""

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Remy is back, the party can continue

Christmas 2019

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
All dressed up and no place to go!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
The waitress wonders why Santa is drinking wine?

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Good question!

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
"Let me think about that!"

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
Ah ha... Got the answer... the wine belongs to Colleen, I was just watching it!

"Christmas is a time when you get homesick, even when you're home"

Christmas 2019

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
"You may continue just bring me bread sticks!"

Family Dinner On The Fly At OLive Garden 12/12/2019
"...or, I can use my fingers instead!"

Christmas 2019