Brunch With The Zaitz Post Christmas 2015

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.  ~Janice Maeditere

The Story Is A Year Long!

Donna won a free brunch at the Marriott last year when we attended the New Years Eve Gala.  Well, she found it and decided we better use it up so "an event was born". We met them at 11:00 but we got there a little early to "wrm up"!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
A view from the golf course.... We did not play however

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
The place was empty until about 10:45....


Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Oops... This is Paul's really most favorite view

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Paul sat at the bar so as to be able to see Bob and Donna come in!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Our booth was ready for us

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
All is well... The champagne is flowing!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
All smiles!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Sue has her champagne!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
It was Paul's birthday celebration

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Open carefully says Donna!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Salt shaker for the garden themed dinners

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Sue assists with the second one!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Loads of giggling underway!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Donna suggests Sue open the next one!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
Each cork has a memory written on it.... Pleases we have all gone together!

Brunch with the Zaitz on 12/26/2015 at the LB  Marriott Hotel
A delightful get together....