Ham Radio Was A Great Hobby

Best Hobby A Young Man In The 1950's Could Have!

Enter WA6CJC In Ham Radio

I received my license in Junior High School under the leadership of a teacher, whose name I have forgotten, but was a wild eyed redhead (the Electric Shop teacher).

Our semester project was an intercom made out of an AM radio. He showed us how it worked, how we had to modify the circuits and I was hooked! Until this day, show we some wires and I can figure out how it works....OK, once in a while I have to call my Grandson Zack and say... What do I do now?

When I got my license I scrambled together some hardware consisting of a Hallicrafters S-38E (it could hear DC to Light at one time) and I decided to get a World Radio Globe Scout 90 Kit!

Hallicrafters S38E
Great for Short Wave Listening but useless to
hear Morse code on... It went away fast!

Globe Scout 90a
I put it together but it took me several weeks to make it work. I mis-wired a circuit and nothing came out... Found the problem, turned it on and away I went!

After getting the transmitter to work, my wonderful parents bought me an NC-303 dream receiver so I could hear the world and away I went.

With that little transmitter and the boat anchor NC-303 "I worked the world". I got my WAC certificate (Worked All Continents), got 100's of QSL cards from all over the world and then it was time to study hard and leave my Novice License behind and head for the Advanced ticket! When I got it, I got my first real "rig"!

My First Real "Rig"

About The 1950s

The world was mine! I was up all night long for years talking to people and "working" DX; ham radio for long distance.