Super Bowl XLV 2012 Old Ranch (Page Two)

It All Began 45 Years Ago... Seems Like Yesterday

Super Bowl Sunday At Old Ranch, We Gather

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The Chevy Commercial

Eyes back on the TV.... You might miss a commercial

Having way too much fun!

People keep going back for more.....and... there is more!

Did We Mention Food?


Did You Know? - The first documented recipe for chili con carne is dated September 2, 1519. The ingredients were boiled tomatoes, salt, chiles and meat. Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of Hernan Cortez's Captains and the source of the recipe, states in his book, that the Cholulan Indians, allied with the Aztecs, were so confident of victory in a battle against the Conquistadors the following day that they had "already prepared cauldrons of tomatoes, salt and chiles" in anticipation of a victory feast. The one missing ingredient, the meat, was to be furnished by the Conquistadors themselves: their own flesh. (The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico--Bernal Diaz del Castillo)

The recipe used by American frontier settlers consisted of dried beef, suet, dried chili peppers (usually chilipiquenes), and salt, which were pounded together, formed into bricks and left to dry, which could then be boiled in pots on the trail.


Hiding from everyone...

Watch it disappear....

Buffalo wings in waiting

Toppings for the potato skins

Did You Know? - The notion that "all of the potato's nutrients" are found in the skin is an urban legend. While the skin does contain approximately half of the total dietary fiber, more than 50% of the nutrients are found within the potato itself.



Did You Know? - Pizza first made its appearance in the United States with the arrival of Italian immigrants in the late 19th century. This was certainly the case in cities with large Italian populations, such as Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia where pizza was first sold on the streets of Italian neighborhoods. In late 19th century Chicago for example, pizza was introduced by a peddler who walked up and down Taylor Street with a metal washtub of pizzas on his head, selling his wares at two cents a chew. This was the way pizza used to be sold in Naples, in copper cylindrical drums with false bottoms that were packed with charcoal from the oven to keep the pizzas hot. It was not long until small cafes and groceries began offering pizzas to their Italian-American communities.

The first printed reference to "pizza" served in the US is a 1903 article in the Boston Journal. The first "official" pizzeria in America is generally believed to have been founded by Gennaro Lombardi in Little Italy, Manhattan. Gennaro Lombardi opened a grocery store in 1897 which was later established as the first pizzeria in America in 1905 with New York's issuance of the mercantile license. An employee of his, Antonio Totonno Pero, began making pizza for the store to sell that same year. The price for a pizza was five cents but, since many people could not afford the cost of a whole pie, they would instead say how much they could pay and they were given a slice corresponding to the amount offered. In 1924, Totonno left Lombardi's to open his own pizzeria on Coney Island called Totonno's. While the original Lombardi's closed its doors in 1984, it was reopened in 1994 just down the street and is run by Lombardi's grandson.

Hot dog and sauerkraut

Did You Know? - During World War I, due to concerns the American public would reject a product with a German name, American sauerkraut makers relabeled their product as "Liberty cabbage" for the duration of the war.

Hank loves the onion rings

Did You Know? - The exact origins of the onion ring are unknown, but in 1933 a recipe for deep-fried onion rings that are dipped in milk then dredged in flour appeared in a Crisco advertisement in The New York Times Magazine.

Hank and Hans meet

Caught on camera...

Making muscles just bringing the foodies to the table

Hello Cyndy

What? Only two tookies??

Bob was wearing shorts so we cropped the picture to keep the page "child safe"

Food as far as you can see....

"No... I've only been to the food line three times... so far!"

Marianne joins the group

Blanchard has his beauty detector running this afternoon....

We warned her earlier this afternoon

Craig paid extra because of his legs

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Pepsi in the King's Court anyone??

The Girls Escape To The Back Room

It's quiet in here....

Roll those dice... It's OK, it is NOT gambling....

Odd dice....

Roll those dice...

Luisa knows something....

Gary takes care of the girls.... Tough job but someone has to do it

The game is getting serious

Serious pose... The glasses are gone! Anna and Bob

Ernie and John

Terri and Shirley

They must be winning....

Oh oh.... Her team is not doing so well

Cookies will make you feel better

I've got the winning numbers

Dave, Terri, and Cindy

Ernie looks intense

One for me and one for me.....

Vince is having an excellent time

Patriots? Sure... Red, white, and blue

Nancy and Paul celebrate


Mother and daughter.....

"STOP..... It's a touchdown!"

"Football??? I thought we were coming to see soccer!"

Check and double check

The man with the golden touch

Easy come... Easy go! (Courtesy Vicky)


She bit the wing while it was in flight

Donna grabbed the chicken wing in mid air

Ah..... Marcia and Lee

The Game Comes To An End....

Must be a commercial going on

It's getting exciting....

57 seconds remain

Looking good Pete