Who Was Here This Fine Evening? (Page Two)
(October 18th 2013) Last Updated: 09/11/2019 10:38:AM
Al and Mickey Arauj
Jerry and Nancy Ellis
Del and Vicky Kuhn
Irv and Jacque Kurman
Jim and Jan Mongell
Ed and Kathy Roberts
Wally and Ghislane Rodecker
Brian and Shirley Skeggs
Steve and Helen Smith
Ace and Martha Yeam
Herb Silverstein and Irene Kosmetatos
Ed Weyer and Natalie Emery
Hello From All Of Us!
Dori Miller and Roy Mabee
Paul and Sue Liles
Irene Johnson and Sue Liles
Did You Know? - The name Irene is from Greek Ειρηνη (Eirene), derived from a word meaning "peace". This was the name of the Greek goddess who personified peace, one of the 'Ωραι (Horai). It was also borne by several early Christian saints. The name was common in the Byzantine Empire, notably being borne by an 8th-century empress, who was the first woman to lead the empire. She originally served as regent for her son, but later had him killed and ruled alone.
This name has traditionally been more popular among Eastern Christians. In the English-speaking world it was not regularly used until the 19th century.
Ray and Mary Ruth Ashcroft
Hey... It's tradition
Walter and Terey Kroy
The "Clink" heard around the world
Lori and Dean Fronk
Denni$ and Diane $chmitz (Our Treasurer)
Craig and Linda Colby
Sandy and Charlie... Our newest members! Yeah!
The Masked Bandito and Carolyn Harrington
Lucky (without disguise) and Carolyn
Did You Know? - A disguise can be anything which conceals or changes a person's physical appearance, including a wig, glasses, makeup, costume or other ways. Camouflage is a type of disguise for people, animals and objects. Hats, glasses, change in hair style or wigs, plastic surgery, and make-up are also used.
Disguises can be used by, but not limited to, criminals and by secret agents seeking to avoid identification. A person working for an agency trying to get information might go 'undercover' to get information without being recognised by the public; a well-known person or celebrity may go 'incognito' in order to avoid unwelcome press attention. In comic books and films disguises are used by superheroes and in science fiction by aliens. Dressing up in costumes is a Halloween tradition.
Gigi and Larry Isham
Not sure about the beautiful lady but that is indeed Gary Gray
Gary is surprised to find out it was Marion
Marion and Gary Gray
Kathy and Tom Berg
Donnis Weygant and Bernie Myers
Cynthia Lorenz
Henderina Lorenz
Mom and daughter... Always a giggle
Joyce Rothrock and Jack Taylor
Mr & Mrs Hospitality - Nita and Neal Woolston