We Have A Super Paper Roster Managed By Ms. Donnis Weygandt
Roster as of September 2017 Link
Sit Back An See The Membership
Our Members (Alphabetical Order)
Anderson (MIke) and Bridgette Missakian
Araju, Al and Mickey (Garden Grove)
Berg, Tom and Kathy (Rancho Palos Verdes)
Bold, Ed and Kathy
Brander, Marcia and Leon
Cofer, Jan and Tom
Colby, Linda & Craig
Ellis, Nancy
Fronk, Lori and Dean (Westminister)
Gardner, Jim and Jan (Rolling Hills Estates)
Gill, Russel and Lily (Palos Verdes Estates)
Goll (Graig) and Marianne Hanlon
Gray, Marion and Gary
Guntherman, Penny and Larry
, Carolyn and Roy (Lucky)
Isham, Gigi and Larry (Redondo Beach)
Irene Johnson
Irene Kosmetatoes
Kroy , Walter and Terey (Santa Ana)
Kuhn, Del and Vicky (Los Alamitos)
Liles, Paul and Sue (Los Alamitos)
Lum, Al & Colleen
Maclean (Norman) and Nina Collins
Montgeau, Gilles & Gisele
Mongell, Jan
Myers, Bernie and
Paternoster (Pat) and Margot Taub
Roberts, Ed and Kathy
(La Mirada)
Rodecker, Wally and Ghesliene
Schmitz, Denis and Diane (Long Beach)
Sebern, Linda & Don
Slater, Sandy and Charlie
Steiner, Dr. Richard
Mau, Frieda
Tomkeil, Wil and Fentenberg, Iris
Wells (Tracy) and Carmen
Woolston, Neal and Nita
Zaitz, Bob and Donna
We Have Members Emeritus (E)
After the passing of a partner, according to the by-laws, the surviving partner may come to the club for two years. After two years, they shall pat the pro-rated membership dues yearly.
Did You Know? - Emeritus (/ɨˈmɛrɨtəs/; plural emeriti; abbreviation emer.) is a Latin past participle that means "having served one's time" or "having merited one's discharge by service" (Latin ē-, "out", and meritus, "merited"). In current usage, it is a postpositive adjective used to designate a retired professor, bishop, president, prime minister, or other professional; as such it refers to the post-retirement status of at least one pope. The female equivalent, emerita (/ɨˈmɛrɨtə/), is also sometimes used, but phrases such as professor emerita are not in proper usage according to Latin grammar rules.
Previous members and those who have passed are also available on the site.