Toppers Dance Club Constitution and Bylaws
The name of this dance club shall be TOPPERS DANCE CLUB. ARTICLE II OBJECT
The object of this club is to provide recreation and promote fellowship among the members.
Section 1. The membership of this club shall be limited to 60 active couples.
Section 2. On written request, a leave-of-absence may be granted for a period of one year, and if requested, may be extended on approval of the Executive Board.
Section 3. Members on leave-of-absence attending a dance will pay the fee set for that dance.
Section 4. Members on leave-of-absence may continue to receive the TOPPERS TOPICS on payment of $5.00 for the year.
Section 5. Members on leave-of-absence and/or former members may return to active status at any time, on written request.
Section 6. Emeritus members: In the event of the death of one member of an active partnership, the surviving partner of a dance couple is considered an emeritus member for two years. There are no dues for those years. After two years, the member must pay pro-rated dues.
Section 1. The Officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Their duties shall be those usually devolving upon such officers, and they shall serve for the period of one year.
Section 2. These officers will appoint a Membership Chairman, Hospitality Chairman, Toppers Topics Editor, and a Roster Chairman. These same officers will have the authority to replace above chairmen if necessary.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Past President from the preceding year, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Hospitality Chairman, Toppers Topics Editor, and Roster Chairman. The partners of the aforementioned will be members-at-large.
All dances shall be planned one calendar year in advance. The Executive Board, taking office in August, shall schedule and make arrangements for the dances one year beyond those already planned. Dances shall be scheduled for the third Friday of the month whenever possible.
The Constitution and Bylaws of this club may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the club members at any meeting, provided that notice of proposed amendment has been given to the members 30 to 60 days prior to the meeting.
This association does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof and is organized for nonprofit purposes.
Section 1. Should it become necessary to dissolve this club, for any reason, members will be notified in advance.
Section 2. Should the club dissolve during a dance season, any dues that have been paid to the organization for that season, will be prorated back to the members who have paid.
Section 3. Upon the dissolution of this organization, its assets remaining after the payment of, or provision for the payment of, all debts and liabilities of this organization, and the return of any prorated dues to its members, shall be distributed to an organization selected by the Executive Board, that is organized for charitable or educational purposes, and exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3).
Section 1. Application for membership must be made by any Active Member submitting the membership to the Executive Board.
Toppers Dance Club welcomes guests to our dances and hopes they will wish to join our group. The Membership Chairman will send invitations to join our club to first and second time guests. The invitation will mention that our guest policy limits guests to two dances. They must become members to attend again. Membership fees will be prorated for the remaining dances in the year.
Section 2. Applicants will be notified in writing by the Membership Chairman when they are approved for membership.
Section 3. Applications for membership will not be accepted unless there are known vacancies in the club.
Section 1. Annual dues will be set by the Executive Board. The club year will begin August 1. Dues will be required at that time. Dues not paid by October 1 will be considered delinquent. Members paying dues will receive a roster.
Section 2. Dues for new members and members returning from leave-of absence after August will be on a pro-rata basis, i.e., they shall pay only for the months remaining in our Club year. No dues will be assessed for the dark months. After the payment of dues, new members will be sent a roster and a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 1. Guests of members attending a dance shall pay the set fee for that dance.
Section 2. A party for the incoming and outgoing boards, hosted by the outgoing President, may be held in July. Records, supplies, etc., may be turned over to the incoming Officers at that time. Refreshments will be furnished by the Club.
Section 3. The President or Secretary or Treasurer will be authorized to sign checks.
Section 1. The President shall carry on the business of the Club as required by the Executive Board and may call a meeting before each dance, or whenever necessary with seven days' notice to the board members. Along with the other business, final arrangements for the next scheduled dance on the calendar will be made.
Section 2. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside. The Vice President shall act as Master of Ceremonies at the dances.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board, and handle any correspondence necessary to carry on the business of the club.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive, disburse and account for all funds of the club, making a monthly report on all receipts and expenditures, and file all required federal and state forms. After receipt of copy of the welcome letter from the Membership Chairman to new members, the Treasurer will follow-up to make sure the dues are received.
Section 5. The Topics Editor shall issue a monthly newsletter, during the dance season, which will be mailed to the members. Information on the next dance listed in the Dance Calendar shall be included.
Section 6. The Hospitality Chairman will arrange for greeters at the dance and decorations. He/she will also send get-well cards, sympathy cards, etc.
Section 7. The Roster Chairman shall be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of an up-to-date roster of active members. A copy of the roster will be furnished to members annually.
Section 8. The Membership Chairman will send a renewal letter to club members requesting payment of dues. He/she shall also send a welcome letter to new members who join the club after the beginning of the fiscal year, indicating the amount of their prorated dues, and the name and address of the Treasurer. The Membership Chairman shall send a copy of this letter to the Treasurer.
Section 9. Members-at-large will attend the Executive Board Meetings, and have a vote.
A Nominating Committee of three members will be appointed by the President. The duty of the Committee will be to nominate the officers for the Club for the following year. It shall report such nominations at the April dance. Also, nominations from the floor may be called for and added to the ballot. The election of officers shall take place at the May dance and those elected shall take office in August.
Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition, will be the reference procedure for the conducting of business.