Meet And Greet (Page One)
(February 21st 2014) Last Updated: 09/11/2019 10:38:AM
All is going to be well.... Leroy is watching over us!
Irene does the honors this evening....
The board meeting gets underway
"Now you better order your drink before they run out!"
All color coordinated.... Grey and silver is apparently in fashion
Bernie assists at the door... Del has his Valentines Day tie
"Yes Dear!"
Gonzalo forwarded a picture taken at home!
It's still Valentines month!
See.... Even the drinks are red!
The camera had to get a picture of this purse ... All diamonds
Did You Know? - A rhinestone, paste or diamante is a diamond simulant made from rock crystal, glass or acrylic.
Originally, rhinestones were rock crystals gathered from the river Rhine, hence the name, although some were also found in areas like the Alps. The availability was greatly increased in the 18th century when the Alsatian jeweller Georg Friedrich Strass had the idea to imitate diamonds by coating the lower side of glass with metal powder. Hence, rhinestones are called strass in many European languages.
Rhinestones can be used as imitations of diamonds, and some manufacturers even manage to reproduce the glistening effect real diamonds have in the sun.
Great.... Gary and Sue are texting each other
"I wonder if they know I am right here??"
It was fun to finally sit with Hedrina and Cindy... We giggled all evening
Donnis and Bernie
Del, Mickey, and Vicky are hatching a plan
What is that? It's dance music! They are off and running
The music was great to dance to... The floor was always busy
La Mirada was well represented
by the Colby's
So very happy to have guests this evening.... Sandy and Ron from the Phoenix Club
"Hey... This dancing is OK!"
The floor was busy all evening
Everyone makes their rounds to catch up with the latest and greatest
Last dance before dinner begins....