After Dinner Dancing (Page Three)
(September 20th 2013) Last Updated: 09/11/2019 10:38:AM
First Things First - The Mixer
Nita and Neal lead the parade!
Did You Know? - A mixer dance, dance mixer or simply mixer is a kind of participation dance in a social dance setting that involves changing partners as an integral part. Mixing can be built into the dance choreography or can be structured to occur more randomly. Mixers allow dancers to meet new partners and allow beginners to dance with more advanced dancers.
I knew a guy he danced with his wife.....
Dori and Bob
Margie found Larry
"Care to trip the light fantastic???"
Different partners... Different styles... Different music... Different
Looking good!
"Ah... We meet again!"
Irene and Larry scoot across the floor
Neal giggling.... No! Never happens!
Hang on Bernie.....
Mixers are loads of fun!
"Oh Bernie... You little birthday devil!!"
All smiles
Neal and Donnis
We are moving moving moving
The music of the past is the best
One cool cat!!!
The all-day mixer
"Did someone say polka???"
"Now this is fun!"
Margie and Neal
Gigi and Bob
The floor was full
Around and around we go
Part of the fun is the club is meeting new friends
One more time around the floor
Meanwhile Back At The Tables
Back at the table serious discussions are underway....
Oh dear... The photographer got caught
Joyce and Jack
Donnis and Bernie enjoying the evening....
The hard core dancers take a quick rest before the next set