Meet And Greet (Page One)
(January 18th 2013) Last Updated: 09/11/2019 10:38:AM
The Board Does It's Work Before The Dance...
Calling the roll.... "Here roll, here roll!"
Always a smile
"I'll drink to that!!"
The VP and Secretary keep us straight
"I think I will drink to that also!"
Diane watches the finances
"Running this meeting is like herding cats"
"Thank goodness for martini's"
"Who me?"
Working hard
"Hey, its 6:05... Time to dance"
Time To Meet And Greet
Kay was greeting with Nick
Now this is how to be greeted! Wall to wall smile
Gislene was a guest of the Silversteins
Wally of Wally and Ghislaie
All is well... Leroy is on duty
"OK... Let's dance"
Dennis and Diane came in for a few minutes because they had family in town
The bar is in excellent shape
Paul and Sue hit the floor early
Catching up since our last dance
Good evening and good wine
The dance floor is busy
:Did you hear the latest???"
"OK... Someone grab the first napkin!"
A distinguished trio
Dori Miller (Guest) and Kathy
Sue Liles with Jan Finch (Guest) abd Gislene (Guest)
Ed Roberts and Brian Finch