Page Five - The Dancing Is Now Powered By Champagne!
After the champagne toast our guests are feeling their oats and the dance floor gets filled with folks, a good thing to see.
It's 9:00 PM and time for a fire event-hough it is in the mid-70s
Daughter Michele meets David!
Meeting friends outside of work is always interesting
Under The Stars cupcakes were a hit!
Daughter Robin and Paul tear up the dance floor!
She is VERY brave, notice, no shoes!
Nice to see Jeff up on the dance floor!
Sam and Brenda demonstrating the swing!
OK, who hid the bubble machine??
Nine guys sound like fifty; love that brass section!
What? Bob and Robin take to the floor!
They must take some dance lessons in the future; too much fun!
Bob seems to be getting with it!
Scout came to the party dressed to the nines and he actually visited every table and got petted and talked too. It was amazing to watch! He did have his tux on!
Mr. Scout was a hit!
Line dancing is quite popular!
Bob, Vicky, Mike and Linda do New Your New York!
The Fearsome Foursome!
Mike steps right out!
Mary heard the line dance and joined right in!
Bob and Donna cut the rug!
Step right up!
Bob will be done for tomorrow!
Hold on Donna! Hold on!