Friends And Happy Hour

ORCC Happy Hour Is All The Time But Friday At 5:00 Is Special 9/9/2011

We had a great day on the course and finished early and decided to head back to ORCC for "Happy Hour".

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Trust the pug

Did You Know? - Happy Hour is a marketing term for a period of time in which a restaurant or bar offers discounts on alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, and cocktails.

One possible origin of the term is from the United States Navy. In the 1920s, "Happy Hour" was slang for a scheduled entertainment period on board a ship during which boxing and wrestling bouts took place; this was a valuable opportunity for sailors to relieve the stress accumulated during the long periods at sea.

The idea of drinking before dinner has its roots in the Prohibition era. When the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were passed banning alcohol consumption, citizens would host "cocktail hours", also known as "happy hours", at a speakeasy (an illegal drinking establishment) before eating at restaurants where alcohol could not be served. Cocktail lounges continued the trend of drinking before dinner.

"Happy hour" entered civilian use around 1960, especially after a Saturday Evening Post article on military life in 1959.

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Bunnaford is texting and receiving updates from Chicago... Susie, NOT Obama

Quotation To Remember: "Scientists announced that they have located the gene for alcoholism. Scientists say they found it at a party, talking way too loudly." - -- Conan O' Brien

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Robert gets a run for his money

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer. " -- Dave Barry

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Tom and James listen intently

Quotation To Remember: "An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do." -- Dylan Thomas

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
The stories go flying back and forth

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011 Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011 Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "I exercise self-control and never touch a beverage stronger than gin before breakfast." -- W. C. Fields

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Ernie is being careful as the chardony changes hands

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough" Mark Twain

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
The table grew a bit small for our group

Quotation To Remember: "The hard part about being a bartender is figuring out who is drunk and who is just stupid." Richard Braunstein

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Yo... Next drink is mine

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When you wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day" Frank Sinatra

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says to love your enemy." Frank Sinatra

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011 Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "A man's got to belief in something. I believe I'll have another drink." WC Fields

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
We all fit into one pictur ... What's on TV monica???

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011 Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011 Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "The problem with the world is everyone is a few drinks behind" Humphrey Bogart

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "One martini is alright, two is too many, three is not enough." James Thurber

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "They talk of my drinking but never my thirst" Scottish Proverb

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "Twas a woman who drove me to drink. I never had the courtesy to thank her." WC Fields

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
Monica points to the guilty party

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011

Quotation To Remember: "Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth." George Burns

Happy Hour at ORCC  9/9/2011
The moon rises over Old Ranch meaning it is time to dance!! Elks, here we come!

Quotation To Remember: "Eat, drink and be merry? for tomorrow you may not be able to afford it." Anonymous