The Action Switches To The Dance Floor After Dinner (Page Two)
Time For A Swim.... Ya Think??
Time for a bath????
The doggies sure enjoyed the pool
Paul and Sue caught with their camera
Perhaps a little line dancing???
Nita joins in
Wayne belting out the music
"Now go to the left and go to the right..... Stand up, Sit down, fight fight fight!"
AJ and Laura are taking it in....
Mike and Monica are resting after going to the Aardvark corral and counting the little guys
Our co-hosts Kathy and Ed Roberts
The spectators are gathering courage to join the fray
Long shadows make for interesting patterns
Ed demonstrates his 1970's moves....
"Ed! Do not let go or I could be in the pool with the doggies!"
Sandy (our host) comes to visit with the baby
Line dancing explodes
See... dancing and line-dancing can coexist
Courage has arrived.... Everyone is up
Leon (The Good Humor Man) Brander watches for any possible new steps
Marcia!!!! Where are the white shoes??? Oops, forgot... You are dancing with Leon!
The Macaroni
The ladies are getting frisky
Did You Know? - The song was originally recorded in 1992, and released in 1993 as a rumba. This was the first of six versions of the song that can be associated to Los Del Rio. Another version, a new flamenco rumba pop fusion theme with fully Spanish lyrics, attained significant success in Spain, Colombia and Mexico. It also became popular in Puerto Rico because of its use as an unofficial campaign theme song for then-governor Pedro Rossell?, who was seeking reelection under the New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico's ticket. Being the base for many cruise ships, visitors to the island were constantly exposed to the song during their stay in Puerto Rico. This may explain how the song spread to ? and became a h
Oops..... OK, we waited for this shot
Paul was going to teach Monica the butt rub ... I think she knew it
The latest addition to the "How To Museum"
We are moving
Roy and Lorraine trip the light fantastic
The weather was magnificent
Visiting continues
Mike and Monica hit the floor
Wiggle to the left... Wiggle to the right
OK... Who Said Polka???
The ten step begins in earnest....
Whoa.... There was five going forward and six in reverse????
The British Polka requires knees to be pulled upward... Right, Brian??
It's ow seven... It's talking over the world
"Hey... I can do the polka... Put me on the dance floor and I will show you!"
Dancing goes on everywhere... Do NOT drop the dog or the wine!
We can dance in color or black and white!
Peace in the valley
Parking was available
He cannot remember what he forgot.... Lot's of head scratching' going in here
"I remembered"
Dusk is about to fall....
Resting for the next dance